Operation transformation

Just a quick hello to the community, I read somewhere on the app that if you include yourself socially here you have more of a chance to succeed. My goals are to put on much needed weight and to also become stronger. Whilst tracking what I eat so I can have a much healthier diet.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,284 Member
    Welcome to MFP @Napertandy !

    There’s several ways to participate.

    Read the boards, post questions and get involved. Constantly monitoring the boards and absorbing the wisdom here, asking questions is maybe the most potent thing I’ve done towards weight loss.

    If you find people with similar goals, who like similar exercises or ways of eating, send a friend request. You’ll have a lot more quality “friends experience” than sending random requests or responding to people who are harvesting friends.

    There are also Groups here for everything from Large Losers (those needing to lose 100+) to lifters to new moms to LGBTG. You may find a lot of support if you can connect with a group or two.

    As far as strength, I strongly recommend beginning strength training early in your weight loss. I don’t know if anyone who regretted starting sooner, but see lots of posts by those who regretted waiting!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,816 Member
    Hello, and welcome, @Napertandy!

    I see that you're on a "gain weight, gain strength" kind of path. MFP can definitely help, but you may initially feel in a bit of a minority (soooo many people here are pursuing weight loss, rather than gain - they may assume you're on that path, too).

    May I suggest that you check out the "Gaining Weight and Body Building" part of the MFP Community? Here's a direct link:


    That's where the so-called "hard gainers" and anyone serious about strength/muscle gains (whether losing/gaining/maintaining weight alongside) tend to hang out. I'd particularly call your attention to things in the "Most Helpful Posts" subsection there, such as these example:


    . . . and there are more.

    Wishing you much success in accomplishing your goals!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    I've been here forever it seems, and can log my food here, or any number of places, but... my friends are why I stay. The forums .... well, sometimes im pretty active, sometimes not. I tend to float around in the welcome areas, as they are less irritating to me LOL

    Some are more active in the forums (like Ann up there) some both active on their feeds and forums (like Spring and I both). Finding and curating your 'tribe', just as on any other social media, can help make your experience better. Your feed, especially, you can make to be what you want.

    When you do connect (whether by interest or personality) with someone and want to add them as a friend, with recent changes to the forums, its not as easy to get to peoples actual MFP profiles profiles anymore. The easiest way (from a computer) is to replace the user name (like in the url below) with the user name of the person you want to add. ( i cant help you with doing it from a phone as I dont use the forums on my phone). I dont care if you add me, but I will warn you, I am not the friend for everyone. I am very supportive, and off and on all day, so see most things, but I swear like a sailor and ramble incessantly about my life, and not just about diet and weight crap. Its about whatever is going on in my world at that moment. The next two months will be a whole lot of theater stuff. I have an awesome group of friends who are pretty much the same. I'll tell you the same as everyone, you are welcome to board to crazy train and hop off if you so choose. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/callsitlikeiseeit