Post Op Care After Hysterectomy

Hello Everyone!
I am 2.5 wpo from having my hysterectomy. I am ready to start eating better and moving a little more. Any tips or advice to try to focus on healthy lifestyle after having a hysterectomy. I want to stay at a good weight and make sure my levels are good as well.

Thank you for your time!


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Until you are fully healed and recovered I would follow your doctors advice on activity. Once given the all clear, if it were ME, I'd start slow as far as activity goes (you may feel a bit weak and tire easily, anyway) and work up in intensity, duration.

    As far as eating 'better' goes, everyone has a bit different definition on that. For the average person, it *usually* means eating more veg and fruit and fewer 'junk food' type items. Knowing if you are trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight makes a difference in how many calories you get per day and how much room you have to 'play' with them. Learning to accurately log and track your calories can help you see areas you may want to increase (such as protein) and decrease (such as carbs or fat- though nothing is wrong with either of those macros, nearly half my personal macros are carbs most days and I dont worry about fat)

  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Make sure you’re getting plenty of protein, and all your fruit and veggies. Your body needs nutrients and energy to heal, and don’t be surprised if you still get twinges or side effects from the surgery for 6 months. It takes that long for your body to completely heal. I went back to exercise too soon after major abdominal surgery (I was given the all clear at 6 weeks and told I could resume normal activity). I ended up in a lot of pain and had to see a sports physio to help me recover.

    For now, eat at maintenance or a low deficit - your body will be sore and you need to look after it. So when you are ready, chose a small calorie deficit and be patient. You will also retain water whilst healing and it can skew your weight so be prepared for that and don’t lose heart. Good luck!
  • AllysaParker92
    AllysaParker92 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much .
    I am definitely going to keep that in mind. Body still needs to heal for months.
  • Cosmogal17
    Cosmogal17 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a hysterectomy and appendectomy mid August my doctor cleared me at 6 weeks but I just started an exercise routine around Thanksgiving my body was not ready wait until you are cleared by doc and listen to your body don’t push it
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,051 Member
    Perhaps your doctor already mentioned it, but be sure to increase your bone supplements - my mother had a hysterectomy about 15 years ago, and now has very severe (very) osteoporosis. In the past 10 years and all her doctors in that time, not ONE, until a few months ago, thought to mention bone supplementation or check her bone density.

    Beyond that, I echo what others have said, and hopefully a more active and healthier lifestyle will help you overall!

    As an aside, despite what my mother keeps telling herself, she was never fit, and was always overweight, frequently obese. Although she ate "healthy" foods due to food sensitivities, she never once exercised other than the occasional hike (and generally not done at a "difficult" pace or terrain). She was on her feet around the house most of the day, but other than normal household chores, she never exerted herself as long as I can remember (I'm over 40 lol).
  • mcdjX2
    mcdjX2 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a total hysterectomy (except for ovaries) in November. I feel really good right now. My main symptom after surgery was fatigue and that only went away about two weeks ago. I still feel a little weird about picking up heavy things so I'm a little hesitant to do any weightlifting. It might be in my mind, but I just started picking up my 4 year old this week and it feels odd.

    Not sure why you had your hysterectomy, but mine was for cancer so I'm really focused on being healthy going forward. Looking forward to hearing others' ideas.