Stay at home mommy...NEEDS HELP!!!!!

I'm 22 and have an almost 6 month old daughter. I currently weigh 211lbs. Before I got pregnant I was 155lbs. The day I went into the hospital to give birth I was 213lbs. I have struggled with losing the weight since she has been born. I get very frustrated and not only want to lose the weight but NEED to lose the weight for myself and my family. I'm a stay at home mom, and my boyfriend works 2pm-1am. We're a 1 car family so the gym isn't always an option. I own Jillian Michael's 30Day Shred and Ripped in 30 but can't find the motivation to stick to them. I'm a bored eater, and since I'm home all day it happens a lot! :( I need some motivation and weight loss tips. How can I lose this babyweight while being "trapped" in the house all day?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!


  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Circuit train! Get some inexpensive resistance bands and do 30 minutes body circuits with them--sheds calories like crazy and it's quick without needing much equipment.
  • leilani♥
    I'd go for walks with baby in a stroller. OR before bf goes to work go for a jog while he watches baby. I get bored with the DVDs as well.. I downloaded just about everything that's available. You can try exercise games if you own a ps3, wii or xbox. There are also videos on youtube that you can do...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I think it would be beneficial for you to get a DVD that doesn't require a 30-day commitment. I mean, technically you could just do those DVDs when you felt like it and be fine, but that 30 days can be scary. So either try a different DVD that you can do when you feel like it, without that 30-day deadline, or start looking at the ones you have as just a workout, one at a time, with no thought to how long you'll do them. And I find that it helps me to have a variety of workouts to choose from. I have 2 DVDs and 2 workout video games, as well as a couple of routines that I found online. If I find myself getting bored and not wanting to do a workout anymore, I pick a new one.

    Another thing that helps me is to have a routine or a plan. I get up in the morning, I get the kids ready for school, I come home, I work out immediately, and THEN I shower. I know exactly how long my workout is, so I don't have to worry about whether or not I have time -- I know it takes 25 minutes, so I can plan my morning around that. If morning doesn't work for you, find a time that does, and do it. That's what you do during this particular window of time. And if you didn't do it yesterday, don't kick yourself over it, just get up and do it today.

    People around here talk about motivation like it's some elusive thing that you have to go on a treasure hunt for. It's not. You can't "find" motivation. You just get up and do it. And the more you do it, the more you will want to do it because it makes you feel better. Just do it. If you must, give yourself a reward after working out -- maybe if you do the workout today, you paint your nails, or something else small. If you do your workout 5 days this week, you treat yourself to a movie with a friend (no junky snacks though). Eventually you'll find that the workout itself is a reward because it gives you so much energy for the day, but if you never get to that point, that's ok too -- just do it anyway because you know it's good for you. Just get up and get moving.
  • Alchemiss11
    You can burn quite a lot of calories cleaning. Do whatever you can to stay busy when you have to be home but if you can make it outside and have nothing better to do, walk. Take your baby and stroll for as long as you can (make sure you have lots of water too). If you have a local farmers market you an always get some great items for dinner and spend the time you have making a delicious home-cooked and healthy meal for the family :)

    Good luck!!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Invest in a stroller if you don't have one, and get out of the house as much as you can :) Walk or jog to a park if you have one close by. Play with your baby on the equipment (she will enjoy that). Keep changing up your workout dvd's. I get mine from our library. Pick out a hobby to do at home that will keep you occupied when you're not caring for the little one.
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I think walking with your daughter in a stroller...up some hills...doing lunges while on the walk, a little jogging, take some exercise bands with you and tie the to a tree and do some arm work.

    I used to own a Stroller strides franchise check the web to see if there is one close is fun to be out there with other moms, encouraging each other and keeping each other accountable.

    Check to see if a friend wants to walk with you...your more likely to show up if you know someone is waiting for you!

    Good luck, you can do it! As a stay at home mom of 4, I know you can!!
  • 4genieb
    Well, for starters, you have a support system in the MFP group and that's great. Get serious and rid yourself of any trigger foods that cause you to binge or overeat out of boredom or frustration. Choose a new something to go to instead of food. Learn to feel hungry " stomach growling " ? You can change with support ,but seldom change habits in isolation. You can do it. Take it one day, one goal at a time- small steps- exercise, better meal times, portion control, work on small goals and change will happen. Congratulate yourself for each accomplishment ( not with food) . It took years to get where you are and there are no quick fixes. You are young and it is sooo much easier to lose weight at your stage in life- you have that going for you. I'd be glad to be your friend. genie
  • jessienicole05
    jessienicole05 Posts: 83 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!! I'm a SAHM (and a mommy of 5) as well and on this long journey of weight loss,i'm always looking for friends and would love motivational help as well as to help motivate you!!! Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Try baby in a back pack that will help you lose too. Better yet get hubby to walk with you at least half the distance. play up tempo music. Remember that your are your child role model. do it for your health and happiness first and hers second. Good luck.
  • livinghcglacey
    i am close to your age and also a stay at home mommy and my hubby works 4pm-2am. so... we have a similar situation. i have ripped in 30 and 30ds. i am currently doing ripped in 30. i get bored with dvds too but this one has kept my interest so far...course its only been 4 days lol.'s an idea. i didn't read all the ones before me so this may be some repeated info, if so,i am sorry. since baby is 6 months old she will enjoy working out with you. lay on your back, hold baby in your hands under her arms and lay her body on your shins, with your knees pulled up, then raise and lower your feet, slowly of course. also, you can stand up and hold her under her arms and raise and lower her for an arm workout...twist side to side for creative! do everything slowly though or baby may not enjoy it and may even spit up! if you put her in a boucey seat or swing you can do jumping jacks or running in place type things in front of her while talking and making silly faces and she'll prolly laugh at you lol. i know i would. anyways. these are just some things i have done with my kids when they were babies. you best get it done now cuz when they get more mobile, they still want to work out with you, but end up tripping you. good luck!:smile:
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the GREAT ideas so far! They definately have the wheels in my head turning! I do have a stroller and walk, but not every day! I'm going to try some of your ideas and see how they work for me. Thanks! :)
  • rockabillymama
    rockabillymama Posts: 117 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom. Soon your little one will be up and moving all on her own, and even though you'll be chasing her like crazy, it doesn;t always make the weight come off. My youngest is going to be 2 in jan. I weighed 200.9 lbs when i had her, and a year later I was 195, and didn't even notice how big i was until I saw the pics from her first birthday party and I wanted to ball my face off. I started to diet and am down to 150 (i bounce above and below this alot) but I got there by trying t=my best to be entertaining to my children. I dance along and sing with their shows and really just dance around alot to make them laugh. good luck I'm right there with ya
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think the problem is your motivation. You have some tools at your disposal (the DVDs).. you can also get resistance bands, hand weights, etc. Good luck.
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Since you eat when you are bored try eating carrots, cucumbers or celery. All are very low in calories. I do not know what it is like to be a SAHM but I did work nights for several years. I would take walks with my kids, go to the park, do mommy and me videos (you can start at 6 months old). I didn't want to drive because I was tired. I would go to bed around 2 pm every day since my youngest went down for her nap at that age. By the time she woke up my husband would be home and I would continue sleeping. Since I now work during the day and the kids are in school, I have gained about 20 pounds. I attribute this mostly to losing the exercise. Night shift workers are notorious for eating bad. Every bit of movement helps and if you are moving you don't get as bored so you don't snack as much. Good luck.
  • Foxzy
    Foxzy Posts: 38
    What about looking for mommy workout groups?
  • Shanahan09
    Invest in a baby "backpack"...It melts off the lbs going for walks carrying your baby on your back!! :smile:
  • lorilee11
    I totally understand where you are coming from. Reading your post was like reading about me. I am 37 and have had this diet roller coaster for the past 20 years. I will tell you one thing I have learned you cannot think to much. That is where most of my diet failures came from. You need to take it one step at a time. I have gone from 250 lbs down to 165 and bacak up to 215 again. It is something that each individual person has to figure out for themselves. Start off slow. Start by getting rid of all soda, and chips, and cookies. Then go for a walk, or something else you like to do that is active. It will take time before it feels comfortable, but it is a life change that is needed, not some 3 month diet and then you are all better and go back to what you used to do. But we are all here to support you. Oh, do you like to dance? You can burn losts of calories by putting on you headphone and dancing around the house for about a half an hour. I love it!
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    OMG!!!! I feel like I'm your lost weight loss twin! I weighed 155 before I got pregnant and went to the hospital weighing 215. I have an 8 month old son and I'm a stay at home mom. I'm 21 years old. I am also a bored eater :( and I love junk food :(:(. I have the 30 day shred which I've been doing. I'm not one to stick to a routine which sucks but lately I have been going on a walk with my son in the morning before his nap, then when he is sleeping I do the 30 day shred. Its perfect because it doesn't take too long to do. I had trouble staying motivated but this site really helps...especially when you see everyone else doing so good. I also have pictures from when I was thinner around the house so I remember what I used to look like and how bad I want that again. It might sound weird but I listen to my favorite songs from when I was 18 and remember how confident and happy with myself I was back then, that usually puts me in the right state of mind to keep working out. So yeah I totally know where your coming from and I'm hoping that when my son turns a year old I'll be back to the way I used to be. :)