eating healthy & exercsing but still putting on weight.

:yawn: I eat a very healthy diet 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch & chicken stir fry for dinner. I do 3 lots of 30minutes exercise each week & an hour of boot camp but im still putting weight on and inches.
Please some one tell me where im going wrong?


  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    People are going to want you to open up your diary so they can look at it and that's honestly the best way to get the best answer.

    How much sodium are you eating a day is also another question. If you're eating too much, you'll retain water which will make the scale go up.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    How long you been at it?
    Your diary is closed so not much I can say about your diet. I cant see you eating this exact thing everyday for a length of time. How many cals is it coming out to?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yeah, it's got o be in the diary. For instance you are loading up your egg with a lot of butter, or cheese. It could be salad dressing, or portion sizes. Most chain restaurant salads are 800+ calories. There are lots of reasons. We'd need more information.
  • Are you eating enough calories? If you don't eat enough then your body will start storing all the fat you are taking in thinking that it may not have enough to survive. Belly fat is sometimes a sign of your body doing that. I would try changing up your workout regiment. Varying the lengths and difficulties of your work out will confuse your metabolism and get it working harder for you. If you still have any concerns I would consult a physician.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yup, gotta see the diary.

    If you are accurately tracking your food, and you are eating your calories, then you should be losing weight.

    If you eat too little, your body may go into starvation mode and you will not lose weight, or you will lose it very slowly until your body finally submits.

    If you eat the calories shown, you should be losing up to 2 pounds a week, depending on how you set the goals.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Have you checked the portion sizes that you are eating? If not that might have something to do with it.
  • No diary .... no suggestions can be made ????
  • Karibear711
    Karibear711 Posts: 4 Member
    make sure that you are eating at least 1200 calories a day and maybe try upping your exercise. My exercise goal is 45 min at least 5 days a week. I usually go over that, but that is my goal. Variety also helps. Variety in food and in exercise. It keeps things fresh and you are more likely to stick with it.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I haven't seen your food diary so this is just a thought. It may seem like a no-brainer but are you logging all of your food intake? It seems silly to log 1/2 of a cookie, or two bites of potatoes to see if they are salty enough etc but that can be--especially for the family cooks--a real source of calorie intake. What are you putting on your salads? The toppings can be a real diet killer even though salad sounds so healthy. I used to love the O Charlie's Black and Bleu until I discovered that it had over 1000 calories!! Good luck on finding a solution that works for you!!
  • This may or may not apply to you, but I can eat a perfectly balanced 1,200 calories per day and do 4-5 hours of intense cardio each week for weeks and not lose weight. The only thing that triggers weight loss for me is if I ALSO manage my carb intake (still keep calories down and exercise up). If I keep carbs to about 100 g/day or less total then I lose weight. I have tested this again and again...... might be worth a try for you.
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member
    I would highly suggest getting a heart rate monitor. MFP was HUGELY over-estimating how many calories I was burning during exercise.
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    Stir fry for dinner it's not really healthy if you load it up with soy sauce which contains a lot of sodium! Cut back on that! most steamed veggies! watch your portions! and load up on water!
  • becciwox
    becciwox Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry just changed it so you can all see it. Since i have been doing this i have up my calories t the recommended 1200 but before starting ths as scary as it sounds thats what i was eating everyday with variations to the meat to fish & salad to homemade veg soup. No cheese or butter. Im just hopin this will make the change even though its weird to eat this much. I kno its early to ask advice but you all seem to be good at givin great advice. I think maybe i was tryingto be healthy by being too healthy.
  • How long have you been doing the exercise - if you've only been doing it for about a month, then that would explain it.
    If longer go talk to your doctor - get them to do a blood test to check your thyroid activity and sugar tolerance/ insulin resistance.

    I've had the same problem last year, I had insulin resistance. I chose not to take the drugs and I change the exercise that I did stopped doing weights and lowered my resistance on the cardio machines, and started doing pilates. The weight started coming off. Now I'm finding C25K is enough to lose weight with my diet intake of 1300 calories.
  • becciwox
    becciwox Posts: 4 Member
    Ive been doing this for 5 months now but its funny that when im not doing exercise i seem to lose weight but then get stuck so i try the gym again. Im going to stick to this programme & JUST FINGERS CROSSED
  • daisy0482
    daisy0482 Posts: 52 Member
    I haven't seen your food diary so this is just a thought. It may seem like a no-brainer but are you logging all of your food intake? It seems silly to log 1/2 of a cookie, or two bites of potatoes to see if they are salty enough etc but that can be--especially for the family cooks--a real source of calorie intake. What are you putting on your salads? The toppings can be a real diet killer even though salad sounds so healthy. I used to love the O Charlie's Black and Bleu until I discovered that it had over 1000 calories!! Good luck on finding a solution that works for you!!

    HEE HEE gotta love how those NIBBLE add up!! :)) Thanks for the reminder!! :))
  • daisy0482
    daisy0482 Posts: 52 Member
    :yawn: I eat a very healthy diet 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch & chicken stir fry for dinner. I do 3 lots of 30minutes exercise each week & an hour of boot camp but im still putting weight on and inches.
    Please some one tell me where im going wrong?

    I dont think your eating enough with all the excercise you are doing each week. salad and chicken and stirfry and eggs all day?? Your body is in starvation mode and will not release any weight till you eat enough to switch out of that mode. :)) Thats the answer!! Kuddos to you for doing a great job eating right and excercising!! :)) Hang in there!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    As the others have said, I'd start by checking your logging. Make sure *everything* is logged. Are you weighing and measuring food? If not, it's probably time to start - especially high cal items like cheese, meat, oils, carbs.... Underestimating a few high calorie items by an ounce or two across a day can seriously add up.

    Notoriously, we overestimate what we burn, and underestimate what we eat. First step if you're not losing is certainly to tighten up on both.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    This may or may not apply to you, but I can eat a perfectly balanced 1,200 calories per day and do 4-5 hours of intense cardio each week for weeks and not lose weight. The only thing that triggers weight loss for me is if I ALSO manage my carb intake (still keep calories down and exercise up). If I keep carbs to about 100 g/day or less total then I lose weight. I have tested this again and again...... might be worth a try for you.

    That's me. The nutritionist added more fruits and veggies to my diet and it has been slow going since then. I am heading back to the higher protein mix.