Blessing Today

My blessing today is that I am able to participate in mental activities that I want to do and to physically move around. I am no longer able to jump and do high-impact exercises but I feel blessed that at least I can modify any workout to assist in maintaining my goals.


  • AndRSons1
    AndRSons1 Posts: 1 Member
    Never give up!
  • AngWBald
    AngWBald Posts: 59 Member
    That is great to keep this positive look on your workouts! I know myself I can't jump and move like I use to like I was in my 20s. I remember joining my first aerobic class and performing "Running Man" and feeling so proud after working out this move and finally being able to do it with the class. It's hard to describe how this move works. It is a very quick move with knee actions and lunging in place with your arms pulling up and down above your head. It's a very intense move. No way could I do the Running Man after my recent knee replacement last year. I realize I'm not as quick as I was, but I know if I can still feel my heart beating faster, and my respiration has increased, I know I'm working in my aerobic zone. Thank you for reminding me it's not about performance. It's about being your personal best!
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