BUBBLE TEA CRIME!! counting calories help.

someonelikemyself Posts: 192
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
Today i didn't eat much and moved a lot. I was out with friends and had bubble tea for the first time ... i got the raspberry yogurt drink that has crushed ice blended with it so it becomes watery rather than frozen and some tapioca black pearls!!

the brand is not known so i can't tell how many calories i had from ONE drink... but since every website is saying how much high calories this drink has... i'm going insane... can some one pleaseee help me ive been trying to count the calories for the past 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! since i'm totally not used to this drink or get the milk concept im starting to doubt what i had (whether its milk based or yogurt!!!) but its yogurt

i had it in a plastic cup that's about this size http://www.flickr.com/photos/jorgeavilam/3649103647/
i wuld say i had 3 tbsp of the tapioca black pearls not more.. to be on the safe side ill say 3
can someone please estimate 3 tbsp of tapioca and that amount of raspberry yogurt shake
i dont ever want to drink it again though it was fun :(



  • Relax.
  • have you tried looking up tapioca and a smoothie separately? It'll get you in the ballpark.
  • what chubswonky said too. :)
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    I love bubble tea..no idea the cals in it though..just find an average one and use those values...
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Calm down! It's just one drink! I got bubble tea a couple times last semester and just estimated. It's ok! :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have no idea what a bubble tea is, but that cup looks about 12-16 oz if that helps?
  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    Search the food database under "boba" - you'll find the tapioca pearls as well as the drinks. :)
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    I've never had one, nor heard of it, BUT....
    dont freak out and beat yourself up over this :)
    I'm sure someone can help you figure it out, or get close.... but dont beat yourself up over it :)
    I'll have to look up this "bubble tea". Sounds like something my little girl would dream up in her play kitchen haha
    Have a great weekend!
  • suzie52
    suzie52 Posts: 27 Member
    they have bubble tea on the food counter if you but in bubble tea !!!!! if that helps !!!!
  • hahaha thanks everyone for the funny replies... the thing is i CAN'T relax i have this counting calories issue that puts me in stress SO don't make fun :( it kills already.

    ill try to look again omg 12-16 oz is a lot uuughh im beating myself up because i just got back on track and would hate to go back to the start

    EDIT: ok this would help a lott if you tell me how many tablespoons are in a cup of boba (tapioca pearls)
  • There's an entry already in there for Bubble Tea- Fruit Shake
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    16 tablespoons in 1 cup
  • sounds like fun drink ... btw collecting 35000kcal aint easy either ... I started 2 days ago and It seems to me I'll really gonna need some protein shake boost to reach 230-250g of proteins a day now only around 130-150g ;(
  • yes it is a fun drink lol! you should have it... are you trying to gain weight?!?? how depressinggg :( ohh but you're a guy that makes more sense , don't worry you can gain it easily if YOU REALLY want to and yikes that's a lot of protein!! just make them shakes there are a zillion fun recipes online that are easy and packed with protein ,goodluck!
    Note: it's good that you want to gain weight it's nicer on men i hope this motivates you .. another tip they say glucose biscuits cause weight gain in no time.
  • thanks!! you;'re the most one that helped :) i finished calculating i put strawberry yogurt instead of raspberry =)
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