On Nov 5th...First 5K for me.....advice??

I am a new runner, building up....now signed up for a 5K on Nov 5th....what advice do you other runners have??


  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    which race is it? eat well before hand, but dont stuff yourself. makesure ur shoes are fitting right, HYDRATE, and have fun!!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    How much running are you doing now? You have almost enough time to get through a running program like Couch to 5k if you haven't already! Have fun!
  • ChrisWag
    How much running are you doing now? You have almost enough time to get through a running program like Couch to 5k if you haven't already! Have fun!

    I run anywhere from 2-3.5 miles at a time but it is more a walk/run. I finished it in 35 min Wed, and it is very hilly where I live so I run the flat and downs and walk as fast as I can on the up's. I only get to run 2-3 days a week due to scheduling issues with some one else home with my son but hubby knows I signed up so he will cooperate more now I hope...

    What is Couch to 5K?
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    5k runs are so much fun! I run a few throughout the year. A friend of mine ran her 1st 5k with me back in June. The all women's 5k fitness festival in Sacramento with 4000 participants. She was so nervous. I told her to just do her best and have fun with it. The only thing I made her promise me, if she signed up as a runner, she has to make sure to...RUN across the finish line! HA HA! AND....She did with a HUGE smile on her face.
    Good luck on your race and remember.... HAVE FUN!!!! :drinker:
  • ChrisWag
    which race is it? eat well before hand, but dont stuff yourself. makesure ur shoes are fitting right, HYDRATE, and have fun!!!

    It's a first annual local race near my home. It will be hilly....at least 2 others running with are newbies too!
    I did get great shoes! Love my Under Armors!!!
    I'm so excited I doubt I WOULDN'T have fun LOL...

  • mossygirl81
    mossygirl81 Posts: 3 Member
    hydrate, pace yourself and think about the finish and how you will have completed what a lot of people never will :) Oh, get some carbs in you too to help you fuel yourself!! Have a blast :) Im excited for you, I am now looking for another race to sign up for because of your post :)
  • Kimgrizz64
    Couch to 5K is a little "app" (or you can go to the website below) that takes you from the "couch to a 5K"! Basically you start it and a little alarm goes off when it's time to switch from walking to running...back & forth, intervals...getting you ready for a 5K. It's amazing how quickly the running gets easier and you can run faster than when you started.


    I found this article which I've used:

    1. Get your z's two nights before.

    Pre-race jitters tend to strike the night before the race, interrupting your sleep. When it comes to running for beginners or even experienced racers, trust that this is normal and will not influence your race. Prepare yourself instead by getting quality sleep two nights before the race and taking that day completely off from any activity.

    2. Keep it light.

    During race week, your running mileage should decrease. At this point, your training is really about "storing up" rest so your legs are ready on race day. During the week, include 2 to 3 short runs with a few, small pick ups—short, snappy segments that get your legs moving faster and prepare you for the faster tempo of the race—to keep your legs fresh. Two days out from the race, take a day off for total rest. The day before the race, do a short (20-minute) run with up to 5 pick ups under 45 seconds to sharpen your legs.

    3. Fill the tank.

    On race morning, be sure to eat the breakfast you've practiced in training. Aim to eat about 2 hours prior to the race. Keep it simple—a bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit, a sports bar, plain bagel with peanut butter. Eat something high energy and easily digestible. Be sure to include hydration—water, sports drink if it's warm outside to give you the electrolytes you need, and coffee if that's part of your normal routine.

    4. Get there early.

    There's a lot to be done on race morning including parking, packet pick-up, waiting in line for the restroom, warming up. Arrive at the race site 60 minutes prior to the start—knowing where you can park, what time packet pick-up closes (if you couldn't do it the day before) and where to go for the starting line.

    5. Warm it up.

    About 25 minutes prior to the race, get warmed up. Start with a 10 minute easy jog, then slowly build your pace for 5 minutes. Then, include up to 5 short pick ups under 30 seconds at race pace. Gently stretch any tight muscles after your warm up.

    6. Get in line.

    The starting line can be crowded and nerve-wracking with so many people and different paces. Starting in the middle to back of the pack is safe for most beginners. You will start with those around your pace and you will have many more ahead of you to chase down.

    7. Pace yourself.

    Most racers give their best effort in the first mile leaving two more to go! Aim to negative split your effort on race day—that simply means finishing the second half of the race faster than you ran the first half. Start conservatively and build your effort throughout the run. When you start out too fast, your body works too hard too soon and fizzles after the first mile, making your overall time slower, not faster. In the last quarter mile, kick it in to the finish line to finish strong.

    8. Keep it positive.

    When things get tough, it's common for the little voice in your head to start telling you all the reasons why you will fail or why you should slow down. Often, having a positive mantra for the race—such as "I can do it" or "Fast feet to the finish line"—will distract you from any pain and keep you focused. Practice these affirmations during your harder training sessions so they become automatic on race day.

    9. Breathe.

    On race day, let go of any comparisons to other runners and release any worries or doubts. You've done the training and if you have the desire to get to the finish line, you will arrive. At the starting line, take a few deep breaths and assure yourself that you have what it takes to cover 3.1 miles. Revisit your best training sessions to find the confidence you need.

    10. Capitalize on the high.

    The post-race high can be exhilarating. Capitalize on it to keep your momentum going and set new goals for the next finish line, wherever that might be. Sign up for another run race a few weeks later to keep yourself motivated to continue with your new habits, to test your progress or just to have fun.

    This article originally appeared on Shape.com.

    Some practical advice is to show up early to your race and scope out the bathrooms! The lines are usually very long and it can make you late to start if you're not careful! Just plan ahead.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    One thing I recommend is to eat the same thing you would normal eat for breakfast. Well as long as it's not a hug meal! I made the mistake once and ate eggs whites before a 5k...NOT GOOD and NOT sure what I was thinking! LOL!
    Now I have my Shakeology meal replacement shake and a banana before a race. I also make sure to stay well hydrated and to eat some carbs (wheat pasta) the night before a race. These choices will make a huge difference in the way you feel during the run. Good luck and keep us posted on how you do! :smile:
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I did my first 5K in a couple years last month. I have another one tomorrow. My friend and I are planning on doing one a month. Some good advice I got last month was not to do anything new a week before or the morning of the race. Wear socks you've worn before, orthotics that you've already run in (if you wear them), eat something you would have normally eaten. Don't start doing any different training you haven't been doing the week before. You know, don't start a weight training program the week before. No new stretches, etc. Have fun and don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Set your goal and concentrate on that. Good luck!!!