Down 30lbs but question on target weight for 6'2M

When I decided to cut some fat, I was around 235. At that point, 200lbs seemed like a very good spot to be happy with and "maintain." Currently I am 205 and while I have experienced great downsizing in terms of inches, my flab, aka fatty stomach/chest/arms is still there in a serious degree.

I have been lifting recently for the first time in 6 years or so and I'm sure i'll tone up while continuing my journey but I'm wondering at what weight men in my particular height range found comfortable. And by comfortable I mean shirtless comfortable.

24, over weight entire life, little to no weight training until recently.

edit: as you can see on my tracker, I changed my goal to 180. Curious about people's experiences.



  • Chuck417
    Looks like our goals are the same. I'm 5-11 and my start weight was 235. I'm down 16 pounds and my goal is 180. What I'm doing is the P90X program and it's working great for me. My wife says she is seeing a big difference and I'm getting leaner and stronger week by week. I think 180 is a great goal for you. Between 180 and 190 would be ideal. Give P90X or Power 90 a try. You'll see your body transform quickly. Great job on the 29 pounds.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Figuring out a goal weight is difficult, if you've never been happy with your body. I used to be very athletic, and I was happy with my body at around 205lbs (I'm 5'10" tall, but pretty broad shouldered). I've set that as my goal weight, assuming that I can put on the muscle I used to have.

    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, and while you might be thin/healthy at 180lbs, you might be happier with your body if you stick closer to 200lbs. Keep up with the weights and exercise, and you can probably start basing your progress on things other than weight (how you look in the mirror and arm/neck/waist/etc measurements).
  • LordRahl
    LordRahl Posts: 48 Member
    Don't focus so much on the weight number but the fat percentage, that will allow for minimizing loose skin or looking saggy without shirt.
  • vaston
    vaston Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 31 years old and 6'1. My heaviest weight was around 210. I am now down to 168. My body fat percentage is excellent and my BMI is perfect. But I'm also a trim build, not bulky. I carry most of my muscle in my legs. I would like to have more chest muscle, but I am thrilled with how I look right now. Not big, but very defined. For me, I am extremely happy with where I'm at. I don't need to be bulky, I want to stay trim and hopefully get into some form of competing with Xterra's or something like that.

    I am a P90X graduate and I just started a P90X INSANITY hybrid program. I think if you are trying to be fit but not bulky, the P90X program is perfect. I think you would be really happy with yourself around 175 lbs. Good luck with your journey!
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