Need some advice please.

Hello people, just started MFP last week, 49 years old man, active, type 1 diabetic, need to lose around 22 pounds. Got 0 weight loss this morning after a week...feel discouraged a bit now. Had 3 glasses of wine in the last week, 7 hours of training, been entering all my food on the app. Haven't cheat. When did you guys saw any change? Should I start WW instead? I know i'm not patient, especially for weight loss, after a week that I have done some efforts. Thanks for you advice.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,709 Member
    edited January 2022
    You gave the answer yourself, you are impatient :wink:

    Are you weighing weekly (so first weigh-in after starting) or daily? If you're weighing weekly, your weight trend could be down, but you just happen to have weighed yourself on an 'up' day. Weight fluctuates for all sorts of reasons besides fat loss/gain. For example, if your exercise regime is new, or more intense than before, you could be retaining water weight in your muscles for muscle repair, which could be masking fat loss on the scale. Water weight from increased exercise could be a few lbs or even more.

    Generally, it's recommended to follow a plan for at least 4 or even 6 weeks (or one or two monthly cycles for women) before evaluating if it's working or not.
  • Thank you Lietchi, make sense!! Just need to be more patient I guess. Will give a chance. Thanks again.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    It's only been a week. Weight fluctuates...if you only weigh once per week, you might miss that today was an upswing after a general loss. I like to use a weight trending app, like happy scale or libra. Slow and steady and you will see results. From what you've said, you're on the right track. I think tracking actual calories is a more accurate method than "points".
  • sbelletti
    sbelletti Posts: 213 Member
    Alcohol can do some weird things so I usually avoid it as much as possible when trying to lose weight.

    Training can lead to increased water retention, so give it several weeks to stabilize and show a loss on the scale.

    You're logging food, great! How are you logging? Weighing everything accurately? Accounting for every single little thing? (gum, coffee creamer, zero calorie foods that actually have calories)?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    its only been a week dude. slow your roll.

    weight loss is a game of PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY.
    7 hours of working out, especially if you are new to it, will result in water weight gain. its not real weight, and not permanent, but does show on the scale.
    Make sure you are weighing and logging your food ACCURATELY. not with measuring cups (except for liquids), but with a food scale and in grams. And make sure the database entry you use is CORRECT.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited January 2022
    " When did you guys saw any change?

    For me I registered a weight loss in the first week. But.....
    As I weigh daily I knew my start weight was a good reflection of my "true weight" and not a temporary fluctuation up or down. Ditto for the day seven weigh in at the end of the week.

    But some of those weigh ins between those points I would have had some ups and downs out of proportion to my calorie intake. Fluctuations predominatly caused by water weight swings and the variable actual weight of food in my gut.

    If you are only weighing weekly it's going to take x7 as long to get the same number of data points to gain confidence about what is a "true weight" and what might be a blip.
    Weighing weekly is fine of course for many people but you do need patience to see the true trend.

    It took me a month to dial in my logging consistency and then make adjustments to refine my rate of loss, not too fast and not too slow.

    I'm not a fan if using a vague proxy for calories like WW points do.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Just FYI :)

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    22 lbs is a relatively small amount to lose. The closer you already are to goal, the harder those last few pounds are to get off.

    Temper your expectations. I know ad-sense and the like are throwing all kinds of LOSE WEIGHT FAST ads to your feed right now. They are all nonsense.

    Some of the stuff I’m seeing is just plain criminal: claims you can lose 46 pounds in two weeks.

    No wonder people quit.

    Patience is your friend and ally.