Looking for motivation friends!

Hi all,

Used to use this app about 8 years ago, alot has happened since then, injuries and mental health issues which have caused weight gain. Now addressing these and taking responsibility for my health again.

Last time, I was sort of using this app as a way to facilitate an eating disorder, but I've done a lot of self work and my primary goal is to increase my strength and overall fitness, adding more protein and trying not to overeat, but in a much more relaxed fashion.

I have had signs of autoimmune issues which are exacerbated by my weight, and I've done a lot of research which suggests that I can fight this by using movement and building strength. I want to increase my testosterone levels naturally by incorporating more weight exercises to build muscle, as this, paired with fat loss, can shield against autoimmune disease!

Would.love to go on this journey with any of you and motivate each other where possible! Hope you're all good and ready to hit the new year running!


