Starting the Year Off Right

I’m on day three of honestly tracking my food for the year. Good, bad, and ugly. Today I’m trying to hear my body. My ultimate goal is to balance calorie consciousness with intuitive eating. I had a late breakfast today of eggs and quinoa, so I wasn’t super Hungry at lunch. I had planned to have a salad, almost identical to the salads I’d had for the last two days. But I wasn’t feeling it! So instead I made myself a quick tuna salad and a fruit salad. Now, I’m starting to get a little hungry, and I may grab a snack shortly, but I’m also trying to get my body more comfortable with being hungry. Like, I don’t always have to feel perfectly full. I already have dinner planned for the evening, and I’m under my calorie goal for the day.

What are your goals for the day, and how do you plan to meet them?


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    My days consist of similar foods so I don't have to think too much about it. :) Ex. a meal might be a choice of 3 or 4 things, heavy on vegetables and a little protein. I'm back to logging calories and am exercising now so logging that as well.

    I'd *like* to plan my day and log it all ahead of time but I find when meal time comes I end up wanting something else so basically I just do it one meal at a time. Plus I'm doing as you are, if I'm not feeling very hungry I might substitute lunch plans with carrots and hummus. Keeping it simple and light. Truthfully, I'm not a big meal eater, it's the all day snacking that gets me so I have to be careful. :/

    Good luck and keep doing what works for you!!
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Starting, like yourself TiffsMethod, trying to be accountable and understand real hunger.
    My goals for the day are to not eat between meals. I have been trickle feeding plus meals for far too long. Also to try and have enough protein and loads of vegetables. I like a full plate ;) Struggling to accept I need to be a bit hungry for this to work. I can easily persuade myself that my hunger is genuine when in fact it's just boredom or greed.