10,000 Step challenge

Hi All,

Just a quick post to see if anyone is interested in joining in the 10,000 step challenge.

The basic idea is to raise your level of activity to at least 10,000 steps (or its equivalent) each day. Yes, other activities do count towards your number of steps. More information is here http://www.10000steps.org.au

It is free to join (all countries welcome) and is a great way of kick starting your exercise, especially if (like me) you are normally a couch potato. I am on day 5 and have already almost doubled my daily steps - thanks mainly to MFP encouraging me to eat right and exercise more.

Just pop a reply in here once you have registered and we can be buddies!


  • Chibble
    Chibble Posts: 2 Member
    I'll try it. I am same height, same weight goal. Thanks for the company!
  • nettie1969
    Welcome aboard. good luck. I will send you a friend request through here to help get you started.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Would love to join, however my pedometer wont be here until next week sometime. I will add you as a friend and go from there!! Thanks
  • nettie1969
    Thanks awesome. You can join at anytime and do it for as long as you want.
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    I have joined the step site and would like to get started. I need a battery for my pedometer and will start when I get one. For now, I will just log the exercise I do. I added yesterdays to the listLet me know what else I need to do, thanks.