Travel for work?

1TripWest Posts: 4 Member
Do you try, and have success at finding workout partners, or exercise partners while traveling? I would like to hike, play tennis or things like that while traveling for my job, which I do at least 6 months a year. I hit the local gyms, but that's about it. Most of the guys I work with just want to eat buffets, drink like fish, and watch movies or play on game systems. Is there a group of people on here that travel for work, and can relate?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    edited January 2022
    I used to travel about 25 weeks out of the year but don't anymore. I was a financial auditor with a CPA firm so I was never in one place long enough to join local gyms and whatnot so mostly used the hotel fitness center. Depending on where I was heading, sometimes I'd take my mountain bike and/or my hiking gear. One of my favorite jobs was the Jicarilla Apache was one of the jobs that most people didn't like given you're in the middle of nowhere and there's not much going on...usually staffed by new hires, but there always had to be a veteran senior associate or manager on the job so I often volunteered because of the beautiful setting in the mountains and great hiking and mountain biking.

    Whether I had an exercise partner or not just depended on the team is was with. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. More often than not though, I preferred being on my own for hikes or trail riding. A large percentage of my colleagues were also female and had different ideas on exercise anyway and were more likely than not to go hit the elliptical or treadmill in the fitness center than join me for a hike. There was one lady though that I worked on jobs with occasionally who absolutely loved hiking, so that was always kind of fun.
  • 1TripWest
    1TripWest Posts: 4 Member
    I usually fly everywhere and have a rental, so bringing a bike isn't really an option. I use the hotel fitness rooms some, but I also do AirBnb's a lot. I think it's just the 'social' part that I'm lacking, or some friendly competition or banter maybe.
  • Unsafespace
    Unsafespace Posts: 88 Member
    Have you tried gyms that are accessible 24/7, 365? The ones where you sign up at your home town but then can access locations country-wide, with an electronic key fob to open the door?