
Hello! I signed up to do Crossfit for the 1st time this evening. I've YouTubed some of the workouts and.... I'm kind of scared =/. l'm going to be going to a gym where I know no one and starting a fitness program I know nothing about. Anyone out there ever been to Crossfit? Care to offer any words of encouragement or advice?? =)))

Thanks for your time!

Danyel :flowerforyou:


  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I have not.. But I admire you doing so! Just thought I'd take a moment to say good luck =)
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I have not.. But I admire you doing so! Just thought I'd take a moment to say good luck =)
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Hi! I have lots of friends in Ohio that do crossfit and swear by it! I would LOVE to do it, but there is nothing around in Delaware! Good Luck to you!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I've been crossfitting for months, and I love it! There's a great CrossFit forum topic here:
  • justincantwell
    justincantwell Posts: 7 Member
    I was previously a crossfit instructor and can tell you it is hard work for sure, but you will not fail as long as you show up. You are there to challenge yourself and beat your own personal records, dont worry about where you are compared to others right now, just do what you can and continue to improve from there. There are always modifications for beginners if needed as well. You will love it or at least you will love the results you are getting from it for sure.
  • Smashlay13
    Smashlay13 Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! CrossFit as amazing. You will work out muscles you didnt know you had. Stick with it! The outcome will be worth the effort.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I've been doing CrossFit for a while now. It was the first working out I ever did. Wow. It's tough, but they modify things so that you can do it. Since Nov. 1 when I started, I'm down 42 lbs, and I've lost many, many inches off of my body. (I haven't measured recently, but last time I did measure, I was down almost 7" in my waist alone.)

    Just go in prepared to work hard. Push yourself and be willing do try new things. Try things unmodified, but do modify so that you can actually do the workout. Talk with your trainer and let him/her know where you're coming from and if you have any issues that may make it so you can't do the workouts as normal. (For example, I have really really horrible shin splints. I cannot run, I cannot jump rope, etc. and my trainers are all aware of this limitation and will come up with something different I can do instead.)

    I've found that in general, CrossFit people are just a great community. People are very supportive of new members. They want to you succeed.
  • You will love and hate Crossfit - you will love what it does for your body, but hate how hard the workouts are.
    I just started this summer and the community of Crossfit is amazing!!!!
    Tell us how you do!!!
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I've been interested in Crossfit, but I'm kinda scared too.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hey - there is a group of us here - come and join us!!

    I CF 5-6 days a week - I love how strong I've become & my endurance has improved - I can't even tell you! I only touch my 15 pound dumbbells when I'm doing sit ups (weighted GHD's).
    It is a family - the people you meet at a CF box will support you, push you, encourage you, love you in a way you cannot even imagine.

    Don't be scared - lose your fears: PR your life. Start today. Simply go make $h!t happen! (stolen from Crossfit Lisbeth <-- google her, you'll love her.)
  • When I started MyFitnessPal back in July, doing CrossFit was my 'goal'. Weighing 290 lbs, my thought was "No way can I do that yet. I'm way too out of shape." So I took my time, focused on my nutrition and hit the treadmill. Finally, after minimal headway and repeated requests from my boyfriend to '' least go WATCH a workout, before you rule it out." I went, and watched. And you know what?

    I decided that if I didn't gather my proverbial balls and just friggin' do it, I was always gonna be a chickensh$t about it.

    So I found an On-Ramp, signed up and told myself that I was going to complete every day, no matter what. Day 1...sucked. It was hard, I was tired, and I was so sore the next day, I couldn't walk right. But you know what? I felt like a complete and utter badass when I walked out. Worried about people watching you while you're gettin' all sweaty and gross? Don't. Because trust me, nobody's lookin' at you. Thinking "It's too hard!" or "I'm too out of shape!" is fine and dandy...but show up, and do the workout anyway. It is hard. You're probably out of shape. But you know how you're gonna GET into shape? CrossFit.

    So show up. Let them kick your *kitten* and motivate you. You'll feel like a badass when you walk outta there, because you did it.

    Trust me.
  • Geez... I just now saw these replies. Here I thought NO one had any interest. :)
  • So, I've been doing it twice a week for a little over a month and love it. I'd love to go more but I have already committed to other activities. I am constantly challenging myself there. No one judges, the encourage! I'm glad I started it for sure! ;o)
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    they just had the crossfit games this week and WOW am I impressed!
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    Welcome to the CrossFit Family! It will beat your *kitten* while literally shaping OFF your *kitten* due to the intensity. There are a number of us "Warriors" on here and be happy to assist. Take one WOD at a time and at your own pace, if your instructor bears that in mind, they're a keeper.
  • stephguilfoil
    stephguilfoil Posts: 1 Member
    Just started using myfitnesspal. I was surprised to see that there's a thread for Crossfit. YAY! I just picked up crossfit again since taking 10 months off - ouch. I blame part on a bad shoulder injury, the rest on laziness. I am so glad to be back though!!