New with 100+ to lose.

I've been big, I've been small... Currently I'm on the BIG side, about 20lbs down from my heaviest, but looking to lose at least 120lbs.

I need to find a way to get through the stressful times that throw me off my game!


  • jackiegalewilson
    I have always been big. I did diets and Ive had bariatric surgery 2 years ago. I have 80 pounds to lose. If you stick to this program and be honest with yourself, it works. I have lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. I have a long road to go but I think I can do it and so can you :)
  • evansfarber
    evansfarber Posts: 12 Member
    I'm good until the stress hits...then its survival mode! I need to change what that looks like! lol
    Feel free to add me as a friend and I wish you success on your journey.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Add me if you would like support. You can do this!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I would make following suggestions - break your goals down into smaller targets - 100 is a big number and when I started I needed to loose about 85 pounds just to get into a normal bmi range.
    My starting weight was 232 so I set my target as under 200 - one-derland, having reached that my target is now 175, once I reach that it will be set to 145 and so on depending on what I set my final goal to be.
    for a few weeks don't stress about changing anything you currently do, just log everything no matter how small, this gave me a much more accurate idea of how much I was eating, this also meant that I had a better idea how much I needed to change.
    I then started changing little things one-two at a time - I waited until these changes became the habit and normal then changed something else.
    I weighed some stuff as I realised I was having too big a portion rather than the wrong things, now I am pretty good at eyeballing a portion, so if I am out I am pretty sure I am not eating too much, I occasionally eyeball and then weigh the portion to check I am still accurate but it seems to be working.

    I am hovering at 190 at the momment, but in the last four weeks I've been on holiday, my mum has passed away following a three year battle with two primary cancers and my eldest started school for the first time. So pretty major stress - I havent been consistant so I havent lost. but also just as important what I have learnt over the past eight months means althoough I haven't lost I also haven't gained back either. For me I found this an important step for me, occasionally life does throw up little bumps in the road, which we have to learn to adapt and go with.
    If you do end up eating too much on one day it is just that - one day - it is not the rest of your life, I don't want this to become a major stress in my life I have enough of that with everything else without putting it on myself.
    So yes it might take me longer than others thats fine, this is my journey and everyone elses is different.

    There is lots of info on this site and lots of people who can offer support, but you need to read alot of it and then decide what you think will work, is do-able etc for you. As what works well for me as a working mum of two under fives may not suit you.
    Lots of people seem to enjoy running as an exercise - I hated it. I have gone my own way and I now speed walk, far quicker than I could ever run. I manged to set a new personal best today on 5K 42.16 so about 4.5mph if i was to run it I'd be lucky to do 2-3mph. it works for me.

    Good luck in your journey, as long as you want to you can achieve this is a journey only you can do

    if you want to add me as a friend for extra support feel free.
  • 4Athena
    Welcome to MFP. I also have 100+ pounds to lose. You have come to a wonderful site. I'm newish here as well and love it.
  • cowboylover
    I have sent a request over. I am similar so I wish you luck and anyone else please feel free to add me!