Vibram Five Fingers.

Has anyone bought these shoes for workout? Any pros or cons? I really want to buy a pair.


  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I've always wanted to try them, seeing as hype for them is so high. I found this review informative
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    I bought a pair of Vibrim KSO's at the beginning of summer later year. They are holding up and still going strong and I love them. I am in the gym and doing cardio about 5-6 days a week, even more so now, and use them every time. Just make sure and give yourself time to get use to them. Like wear them for a hour the day you get them, not exercising, just around the house. Then increase that time the next day if your feet don't hurt until you feel you are ready to work out in them.
  • Lindaj44
    Lindaj44 Posts: 45 Member
    I've got a pair and there ok I think I've just not worn them enough to really get used to them.. A guy I work with wears them all the time and loves them.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    You can not just start running in them once you buy them - you must gradually acclimate your feet to them. I have a pair, but I will not run in them - I need a little more support. My husband is an avid runner, and has built himself up to wearing them for all of his runs. He likes the Merrell body glove better - it has the Vibram sole, but not the "toes". I wear my five fingers for walks, weight training, or after runs to seperate my toes. I also have the Merrell body glove and I wear them for the same - everything but running...
  • Thank you for the feed back!!!!
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    Just bought a pair yesterday and ran 3 miles yesterday in them. Wore them for the rest of the day and DJing for 4 hours last night. Was out running 3.5 miles today with them and wore them around the house since. Loving them, have ran for 20 years and think the transition will be shorter than for most people.

    Probably going for a 5 mile tomorrow in them. Calfs are aching a bit, but, that's expected.