Plateau - Sucess Stories Needed!

Hi . I have been at a Plateau for about the last 4 months. I have been going up and down the same 1 to 1.5 lbs. (I'm 5'0 and weight 113). I tried an experiment of eating back my exercise cals for 2 weeks and stayed pretty much the same weight. Now i'm back to eating around 1200 to 1250 and am still the same weight...(fluctuating up and down 1-2 lbs). I think my body fat % has gone down from May but I'm starting to get very frustrated with the scale. My goal weight was around 104/105. But at this point I would just like to get to 110. So for those who have hit long plateaus can you please share with me what you did to break through them? I would appreciate the advice and inspiration. And for those who say to change up my workout I have. I used to do strength training and then elliptical for cardio most of the time. Now I am doing mix of interval running (main focus), elliptical, and stationary bike (5 to 6 days a week) along w/ strength training (at least 3 times a week). Thanks!


  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    The only thing that got me through mine was persistence. Never forgetting what your goal is. Ever since I hit my plateau i've lost weight SO slowly. However, weight is still gradually coming off. I'll go for about a month without losing anything and then i'll suddenly drop another 3-4lb for no apparent reason. Just try everything. Even try taking a break from calorie counting and focusing on what you eat for a couple of weeks. Maybe if your mind relaxes, your body will.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    It's happened to me, but at higher weight than yours. I couldn't even imagine being 113 lbs.

    Why don't you try a week of exercise vacation? It'll drive you nuts, but it might change things up enough to get restarted.

    Your body (or at least my body) hates this process and holds onto every ounce of water.
  • Pace29
    Pace29 Posts: 29 Member
    anyone else there near their goal weight who has hit a plateau?
  • Pace29
    Pace29 Posts: 29 Member
    Noone? I really need some advice.
  • Pace29
    Pace29 Posts: 29 Member
    Noone? I really need some advice.
  • amyschaefer
    I have lost 10 and have 10 to go to reach my goal weight and I haven't lost anything for a couple of weeks. I was hoping for some insight here too. I am hungry all the time so I don't want to eat less and I am eating 1500 calories a day so I don't want to eat more. I have to exercise when I can since I am a stay at home mom so I get up and run before they kids are up. I don't really know how I can realistically change that. I have been running more and am sore but my weight is still the same. I am going to be so sad if this is it and I can't get to my goal weight.