Green Monster Smoothie

I am thinking about trying some recipes, but want to know is it worth it? Anyone had any results from replacing a meal with it? Thanks.


  • Hello,

    I had those green monster smoothies for breakfast the last two weeks and my experience is that after one smoothie in the morning i don't feel hungry untill lunch. My favourite recipe is spinach or endive, with pear and banana. You should try it.
  • Hello, I am considering doing juicing if that is what you mean. I tried a couple of them so far. I make my own with a juicer. There is a ton of recipes online to try. I like carrots with apples and ginger . I feel full and it takes my sugar craving away because it's more natual. I also tried a green one with cucumber, spinach, celery and something else. It was pretty good just the sound of sounds gross but really it was pretty good. You can add me to be your friend it you would like. I am always happy to help you stay motivated. Thanks