Super Easy Potato Soup - 240 calories/serving

Jenn1254 Posts: 49 Member
After months of 100+ degree weather, it finally got cold and rainy here yesterday so I decided to make one of my favorite cold weather recipes, potato soup. I make it different each time (mostly because I can't remember how I made it the last time) but it was really good yesterday. It was even boyfriend approved. He said it had a great flavor. It's really good as is but feel free to tinker with it and make it your own.

1/2 pound lean ground beef
3/4 - 1 cup chopped onion
1 can 98% fat free cream of celery soup
1 can 98% fat free cream of chicken soup
2 cans diced potatoes, drained
1 cup skim milk
2 chicken bouillon cubes
Garlic salt (or powder) and pepper to desired taste

Cook ground beef and onion together until beef is browned. Drain off any fat.
Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer until the bouillon cubes have dissolved.
Continue cooking on low until soup reaches desired thickness.

Makes 4 servings

Calories: 240
Fat: 7.1 g (2.1 g Saturated)
Cholesterol: 36.9mg
Sodium: 1426.2+mg
Carbs: 27.4 g
Fiber: 2 g
Sugar: 5 g
Protien: 16.4 g


  • Thanks, that sounds delicious. I made some soup the other day, and my hubby looked at me crazy. I think these 100+ temps have got everyone stir crazy!
  • Brook70
    Brook70 Posts: 164
    Thanks sounds fantastic! Bump for later.
  • sounds really good!!! Bump
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Bump! :D
  • Just curious, how big is a serving? I don't eat meat, but when I make soup one cup is usually in the 100+ calorie range. 240 calories for a cup of soup seems high to me.
  • Jenn1254
    Jenn1254 Posts: 49 Member
    Just curious, how big is a serving? I don't eat meat, but when I make soup one cup is usually in the 100+ calorie range. 240 calories for a cup of soup seems high to me.

    I don't do my serving sizes in terms of cups. I use my food scale and weigh everything then divide by how many servings. This one was about 14 ounces per serving. And remember, this is a creamy soup with meat. That's going to add calories as opposed to a broth based soup.
  • Thanks. Sounds like dinner at my house tomorrow!
  • Just curious, how big is a serving? I don't eat meat, but when I make soup one cup is usually in the 100+ calorie range. 240 calories for a cup of soup seems high to me.

    I don't do my serving sizes in terms of cups. I use my food scale and weigh everything then divide by how many servings. This one was about 14 ounces per serving. And remember, this is a creamy soup with meat. That's going to add calories as opposed to a broth based soup.

    I figured as much. Just so different compared with what I eat. Not judging or anything, was just curious. ;)
  • rstudebaker52
    rstudebaker52 Posts: 30 Member
  • millerch88
    millerch88 Posts: 56 Member
    BUMP! mmmm potatoes....
  • bump
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    i love potato soup. i am going to try. thanks!!!! :-)
  • Yum! Bump!
  • jeritaylor
    jeritaylor Posts: 20 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    After months of 100+ degree weather, it finally got cold and rainy here yesterday so I decided to make one of my favorite cold weather recipes, potato soup. I make it different each time (mostly because I can't remember how I made it the last time) but it was really good yesterday. It was even boyfriend approved. He said it had a great flavor. It's really good as is but feel free to tinker with it and make it your own.

    1/2 pound lean ground beef
    3/4 - 1 cup chopped onion
    1 can 98% fat free cream of celery soup
    1 can 98% fat free cream of chicken soup
    2 cans diced potatoes, drained
    1 cup skim milk
    2 chicken bouillon cubes
    Garlic salt (or powder) and pepper to desired taste

    Cook ground beef and onion together until beef is browned. Drain off any fat.
    Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer until the bouillon cubes have dissolved.
    Continue cooking on low until soup reaches desired thickness.

    Makes 4 servings

    Calories: 240
    Fat: 7.1 g (2.1 g Saturated)
    Cholesterol: 36.9mg
    Sodium: 1426.2+mg
    Carbs: 27.4 g
    Fiber: 2 g
    Sugar: 5 g
    Protien: 16.4 g

    I make my potato soup with ham and no condensed soups. Mine is about 183 per serving. Thanks for sharing a new way for me to try this!
  • jacki0486
    jacki0486 Posts: 12 Member
    If you swap out half the milk for veggie broth the flavour won't change much but it'll knock out a few more calories. :) I do that with almost all of my creamy soups.
  • Gazer362
    Gazer362 Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds delicious! Thanks!
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    YUMMY I made a healthy batch and a batch for the family.
    Healthy Version
    1/2 pound Extra lean ground beef
    1 cup chopped onion
    2 TBS 98% fat free cream of celery soup
    2 Large Sweet potatoes diced
    1/2 cup skim milk
    1/2 cup Vegetable Broth
    Garlic salt and pepper to desired taste

    The families I added 1/2 and 1/2 to make it creamier and also Velveeta Cheese