Under daily calories

I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of advice about how the calories on this site work.
I have been entering into my food diary and counting the calories, yesterday it said I was under calories.
Today I have eaten and couldn't possibly eat anymore but it's saying that I have 1108 calories left today.
Is it bad to be under calories every day?
I don't understand the extra calories from exercising either. :embarassed:
Be grateful for any help.


  • bdreilly
    How many calories are you supposed to eat a day??
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    I think you should be at minimum 1200 calories or else you could put your body into starvation mode :(
  • lottywood
    lottywood Posts: 55 Member
    This is a massive debate on this site. Most peoples aim is 1200 but it is so hard to achieve this. People will start talking about starvation zone to you. :) good luck, hope you find your groove.
  • lottywood
    lottywood Posts: 55 Member
    This is a massive debate on this site. Most peoples aim is 1200 but it is so hard to achieve this. People will start talking about starvation zone to you. :) good luck, hope you find your groove.
  • jayne51998
    On here it says my daily goal is 1,985 calories.
    Before I decided that I wanted to lose weight I use to go without food all day then have a meal at about 7 o'clock in the evening.
    It is really hard trying to train myself into eating more but I really do try.
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    u need to eat a 1200 min... if you excercise it will auto adjust.. you can either chose to eat your calories from working out or not just make sure you eat the 1200... i heard its harder to lose in starvation mode
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The way MFP is set up you are already eating a calorie deficit. So when you exercise you need to eat back the calories you burn so that your calorie deficit doesn't get too big. Eating too few calories can have a lot of negative effects on your body.

    If you're having trouble meeting your calorie goal, don't worry. Plenty of us started out the same way. When I started I had been eating 400-700 net calories (calories consumed - calories burned = net calories) per day. Eating 2-3 times what I was used to was difficult. I just started adding a little bit more food to each meal (larger portions) and started eating one or two snacks during the day. It took about a week before my appetite kicked in and my body got used to eating what it was supposed to. You can also try adding in more calorie dense healthy foods like nuts and avocados.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    On here it says my daily goal is 1,985 calories.
    Before I decided that I wanted to lose weight I use to go without food all day then have a meal at about 7 o'clock in the evening.
    It is really hard trying to train myself into eating more but I really do try.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I had bad eating habits when I started too and I know it can be hard to retrain your body. I've been where you are and can give you tips and support.