Looking for friends

Hello everyone. I'm a 37 year old mom, on a fat loss journey with my 35 year old sister. This is not my first time losing weight. I have reached my goals a few times, and for a few months last year I was very into body building, and gaining strength. I would love a few friends to motivate me, and maybe I can return the favor. I honestly love seeing people strive for their goals and succeeding.


  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    Hey, just sent you a friend request! I'm just back on the wagon. I was a member in a really cool gym at the start of 2020 but haven't been back since for various reasons. I loved being around so many women of all ages, shapes and sizes getting strong! I'm big, so their encouragement and enthusiasm really helped me.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hey, welcome! I think it's pretty cool that you're doing this thing with your sister. Best wishes to you both!
  • Radigan8899
    Radigan8899 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm new here myself. Hoping to make a long term change.
  • ZeeThoms
    ZeeThoms Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! Welcome to you and your sis! 🙂