New and looking for a few supportive friends

I've had a MFP account for a couple months or so, and a while back I tracked my food, but then I quit for a long time. I currently joined a fitness challenge at my local gym, and they use my fitness pal, so I'm back here and been at it for almost a week and doing very well.

In the end I want to lose probably 80-90 pounds, but I'm doing them in sections. My first goal is to get below 200 pounds, and I would like to accomplish that by the end of this fitness challenge, which is 10 weeks long.

I tend to stick with things pretty well, and then fade off from it. I've always been a big girl for most of my life. I want to be healthy though.

I'm looking for a few new friends, only positive, supportive friends please. Just someone to give me a little motivation every now and then, maybe some tips or advice, maybe just some nice conversation. I would prefer friends in a similar situation as me (big most of their life, needing to lose a large amount of weight, etc.), and maybe near my age group, I'm 23. However I am open to any polite and supportive friends.

Please feel free to add me! Thanks!


  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    You can add me :)
  • You can add me :)

    Thank you. I added you. I am also very similar in the fact that I have high blood pressure, but refuse to take medication for it, because I want to try and control it the healthy way. If I get fit and lose weight and still have high blood pressure, then I will gladly take medicine for it. Haha.
  • You can add me!
  • Feel free to add me I amd 16.5 pounds away from getting under 200 myself !
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    You can add me. I am almost the opposite. I was always really skinny, left the hospital after my first kid in regular clothes and had 5 lbs to lose at 6 weeks post. Then I moved. Had 2 more babies by c-section and now am heavier than I was 9 months pregnant with my first child. I am trying to get down to my post pregnancy weight from the first one. I have struggled the past 3 years to lose the weight and stressed over it. I joined mfp for the support and want to support and cheer on everyones' successes.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Feel free to add me! We are about the same weight and that is also my first goal is to get under 200!
  • Take your meds and continue to work on your weight. You don't want any complications.
    Feel free to add me also.
  • You can add me. I am almost the opposite. I was always really skinny, left the hospital after my first kid in regular clothes and had 5 lbs to lose at 6 weeks post. Then I moved. Had 2 more babies by c-section and now am heavier than I was 9 months pregnant with my first child. I am trying to get down to my post pregnancy weight from the first one. I have struggled the past 3 years to lose the weight and stressed over it. I joined mfp for the support and want to support and cheer on everyones' successes.

    I am wanting to have children soon. My husband and I are currently trying for one (well not trying, but we've stopped preventing it from happening), however I'm hoping (if I have the time before it happens), to lose weight and become healthy BEFORE I end up pregnant and gain the weight. Haha.
  • You can add me! I am older than you (hit the big 4-0 this year), but other than that, we sound very similar...big most of my life, have tried before and lost motivation, need to lose approx 80 pounds total, etc. And....I would love to have a new positive friend to keep me motivated and on track and to send some positive vibes your way!! Good luck! :happy:
  • Newbiez
    Newbiez Posts: 17 Member
    you can add me if you like..
  • you can add me
  • HEY you can add me i know where you are. you want to change need to change but...... well you are making the right step you are moving forward and reaching out . im trying to lose the same amount as you i want to get back to my marinecorps size .lets do it together:glasses: