Hey, guys! Trying to lose at least 50lbs! Wish me luck!!

Hi, all. I've actually been dieting for a month & have lost 6lbs already!! Right now I'm 250lbs & want to get down to 200lbs for my first goal. Ultimately, I would love to be 150lbs. I'm 22, 5'6, just got a job & will be graduating this upcoming May! I've gone through A LOT of changes this year. Being that I'm working on myself, I figured I should try to lose weight. If I don't lose it now, when will I ever? It's definetly hard. I LOVE food!! Seriously, I do. But pigging out on pop tarts & popcorn are not that healthy. Actually, for the past six years every one of my meals have basically come from a fast food restaurant. I would easily be eating 3,000+ calories on some days, and I never excercised. Now, I try to go to the gym every chance I get. I remember in January I was 240lbs and tried to diet. Now here it was in August & I was 256lbs. That's when it really hit me. I gained 16lbs in a few months span & it was a real eye opener. Anyway, I rarely eat out anymore. This site is great! I can monitor what I am eating, and stay on track to lose weight. I hope all my hard work pays off. I'll give you guys an update once I reach 240lbs.


  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    You can do it. Especially with the great support group you'll find on this site.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Good Luck you can do anything you put you mind too
  • You can do it. Especially with the great support group you'll find on this site.

    Yep! this is true, the site becomes addicting!! But in a good way! Good for you for recognizing the "bad" eating habits, i think that is the first step. An eye opener when you start to feel like your loosing it... plug in what you used to eat on this site and see what the calorie intake would be. I did this and it was over 4000 calories A DAY!!! I was so upset I purged my pantry and fridge!! the gym has become my best friend and when i feel like eating junk i go for a run or do a quick exercise video and i forget the junk food and move on to something else!
    Good Luck and congrats on your lb loss so far!
  • Welcome to the site! Good to hear that you've had progress. Try not to approach this change as a diet, though, since people who go ON diets normally get OFF those diets. Instead, work towards making healthy changes that you will be able to sustain long-term.

    I'm sure you can get to your goal weight! I was just realizing today that I've lost 20+ pounds on this site and what a huge accomplishment that is for me.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    The people and resources here are phenomenal. WE can do this! Congratulations on your loss so far. Welcome to MFP!
  • You can do it, just stick with it, I started july 26 and down 30pds as of today, the bigger you are like my self the quicker the first 30 comes off with just the shock of your body system with eating healthier, Your story and weight is the same as mine is, Just getting off fast food will probally kick it off a few pds, Next is consistancy staying around 1200-1400 calories a day for myself, now some days i find it hard to get there, but had few days in the last 2months i was around 2400 like yesterday. it so easy to gain weight and so hard to get it back off, i log in everything good and bad days that will help, im addicted to this site,now comes the hard stuff added excersice this week, cause i know it wont come off like this for long esp my goal is 100pds to lose, good luck,.:smile:
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Good luck! You can do it especially with this site. Logging everything you eat really opens your eyes. I have only been doing it for a week and am already finding it hard to make it to my goal calories daily. I may have to start eating several smaller meals because I get full so easy. After 6 days I have lost 8 pounds and have 28 to go. The main thing I have done is cut out empty calories such as soda and candy. Instead of that I drink water and eat carrots. I have not changed the amount I eat, just what I eat.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    You can most certainly do it! I told my doctor on June 20th that "I can not lose weight", started MFP on the 21st and proved to myself that OH yes I can. Just be honest to yourself, log your food and move a little more. Best of luck to you.
  • oumati
    oumati Posts: 29 Member
    good luck i am here to loose the same amount......
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Good luck. You can do it. You are doing it! Keep going, nothing is out of reach!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Good luck! You are starting close to where I started so as you can see it is definently possible! And as stressful as life changes are when you are making yourself happier and healthier they really are easier to deal with! Good luck!!

    And be sure to build yourself a great support network!
  • Welcome to MFP!! :flowerforyou: Instead of wishing you luck, I will wish you determination, commitment and healthy eating habits! You've already taken the best step toward reaching your goal; now it's just a matter of sticking to it! And, there are lots of motivating people on this site, just waiting to encourage you (or kick you in the butt when you need it!)
  • thanks for all the support!
  • :flowerforyou: Sounds like you have everything under control; really! You are in the right place & this place really works! :happy: No doubt about it, just keep coming back. Log in all the food you eat to the best of your ability. Have fun while you are at it. :heart: Make friends too, go to the Community & look for someone you can talk with about whatever it is you have an interest in. Or find someone you can help somehow! :heart: This is what makes MFP work for me!!!:heart::love: Besides using the Smiley's, they are really cool!

    I hope this helps you!

    5' 4"
    S.W.234 - Sept. 5, 2011
    C.W.227 - Sept. 12, 2011

    " If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1