Trying to set mini goals....

First off, I usually only set goals I KNOW I can push to reach. When it comes to weight loss, I have failed SOOOOOO many times it is hard for me to set goals because I don't want to miss the goal. Being goal oriented is EASY in areas where you have confidence. Maybe it is just too early to set mini goals. Anyway, for now my goals seem very LAME....

1. Drink my 8 oz of water DAILY*
2. Log my food DAILY*
3. Move DAILY even if only 15 min a day

The goal I am most fearful but would most like to reach is lose 60 lbs by the 3rd week of March

Any ideas for goal that might help make a difference???? I am open to suggestions. Thank you.


  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    I think it might help you to have mini target weight goals, as well as little treats when you reach them along the way.... Maybe a pedicure, a piece of jewelry, or something you've been lusting after (a book, make up, etc)..... I also think it is helpful to have scheduled events (such as a 5K, a kayak, a skating event with friends) to help challenge you along the way...This is helping me- I'm down almost 19 pounds (still have about 28 to go)....Best of luck to you!
  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    track. every. single. thing. you. eat.

    every single little candy, every tbsp of butter, everything!! it will open your eyes to what you eat and how many calories you used to consume.

    I also set mini goals and have a specific non-food reward for reaching them. my next 5lb reward is a manicure :)

    best of luck!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    For me, those goals you have (drink water, log intake, move daily) are the ones that help the most. I don't like to set date/weight goals-partly because I may not make it! What if you are "only" down 50 lbs. by your deadline? Would you feel like you did not succeed? I know I would-so I try to do other things like when I lose 10 lbs I will get some cute socks, at 25 lbs get a manicure and so on. It makes things easier for me.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Expatgirl
    Expatgirl Posts: 33 Member
    I'd like to be added as a friend. We have similar goals. I need to drink my water and get my rear in gear to exercise. We could check up on each other.
    F 44 in Kentucky
  • rabbit99_47203
    I think this is a great start! Making a few little changes is just the start. Once you have met your goals than you can advance to something else. We all start somewhere and that's exactly where I started as well. It's been working for me. I even started by doing only 5 min of exercise a day, worked it up to 3 times a day until I could put it all in one 15 min and now 30 min of vigorous exercise a day. I'm doing the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred it's hard but it gets easier the more you stick with it. I'd keep with small goals and not to many just 1-3 at a time so it doesn't seem overwhelming and that way you will be more likely to succed. Good Luck!
  • isapedeve
    Every goal is good even if it's small, it takes you in the right direction.
    I believe that the food diary will help a lot and I strongly recommend to do cardio between 4 to 6 times a week. Is the better way to melt the weight and mantain it. You could try with Zumba Rush DVD (from de 2011 set) that will only take 20 mins of your time and makes you work every muscle you have (and even thouse you didn´t realize were there.. haha) They're also fun and with very energetic music.
    Good luck!
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    I think logging everything you eat is a HUGE goal, it will give you the best idea how much you are taking in. I know I used to think that I did not eat that much but logging let me see exactly how much I was eating, which was wayyyy over " reasonable" to lose any weight! Good luck!