♥️❤️February Daily Log-in & Weigh-in Challenge❤️♥️



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,051 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from January 31st): 197.0
    Goal: 192.0 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME**************************

    02/01…...197.0…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Pro: No change. There’s that! Con: Only 28 days to get something done!

    02/02.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Meals good. Snacks bad. No TMI and exercise ziltch but the renovation is moving along, although slowly.

    02/03.…..195.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4}….. No better on the exercise due to the restrictions, but meals were much better planned. Quantities much better too. Pushing water today as tonight’s homemade Mexican food will likely be high in sodium.

    02/04.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. Sodium from the Mexican I presume because otherwise the day was not bad. I did hit a record low on calories burned, miles walked and steps according to my fitbit. Fitness makes a big difference!

    02/05.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. Full-on BINGE last night. Probably the worst I’ve ever experienced. I don’t even know what triggered it. Nothing showed up on the scale yet this morning, but I know it’s coming…..

    02/06.…..194.6…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. This is the first time in awhile (I only checked records back to 3 weeks) that my trend weight has went down. Thrilled because that means that something is really happening! A nice drop on the scale this morning too. I’m surprised that the binge hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe I’ll luck out on this one. No matter! I’m running with it. It makes me feel encouraged today.

    02/07.…..195.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. I had a very good day yesterday. Dietary was on point. More steps and activity than I’ve been able to get lately. The uptick is likely from a few days ago but I’m not worried since I’ve been doing well since then.

    02/08.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Three squares and some sugar-free candy for a snack. Upped the steps to 8700 but calorie burn was about the same as the days prior. This is a whoosh.

    02/09.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Holding steady and happy for that. I don’t expect loss everyday, so no gain is good and the path I’m on is the right one.

    02/10.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.2)….. A good day, but pizza for dinner shocked my scale this morning. It is ridiculous how fast the scale flies up! It was very salty tasting so I will push water today.

    02/11.…..194.8…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    02/12.…..197.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4)….. Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    02/13.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/14.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/15……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/16……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/17.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/18.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Highest weight: 293 (1/28/22)
    Current weight: 176.2
    February weight lost so far: 1.8

    February 1—178 (A new short month is upon us. Looking forward to firmly establishing myself in the 170's this month and continuing to make progress towards my fitness goals.)
    February 2—178.4 (Had lots of fun exercising yesterday - shadow boxing, indoor cycling and upper body strength. It's cold so I'm finding fun ways to exercise indoors.)
    February 3—179.2 (Got a new PR on my 45 minute Peloton ride yesterday. We had a delicious steak dinner and I had a relaxing night. Only one more day of bad cold until the dog and I will resume our outdoor walks.)
    February 4—179.6 (The weekend is almost here... looking forward to the mental break. I am juggling cycling, strength and boxing programs and wanting to do it all so having more time for exercise is very exciting to me.)
    February 5—179.8 (Up at 5 am to crush my long ride of the week. 75 minutes done and ready to get into the day.)
    February 6—178.6 (Off to snowshoe in Kananaskis today. Warm weather is back and the mountains are calling.)
    February 7—181.6 (Had a fabulous weekend... Monday morning always comes so quickly. The weather is divine, most of our snow has melted, and the sun is out. Looking forward to a lunch time walk as I have a heavy bloated feeling in my stomach this morning.)
    February 8—181 (Husband made beef ribs on the BBQ last night - he is a charcoal grill master. The portion size on ribs to keep calories reasonable is very low, but I enjoyed my serving. I've had many moments in the last few weeks where I think back to old me and I have no idea how many calories I was eating, but it must have been a lot! Knowledge is power for me.)
    February 9—180.4 (Tired in the mornings so I've been exercising more at night which is harder on me, but I'm getting it done. We have dinner out with friends tonight so I have the meal pre-logged and I'm planning a maintenance day.)
    February 10-177.8 (Had a lovely supper out last night and stuck to my pre-tracked plan. Just focused on getting my 10K steps and got to bed when we got home from supper. Got up at 5 a.m. this morning to get my Peloton ride in since we're out again tonight.)
    February 11-178 (Got up early to ride before work and got a new PR on my 60 minute ride. Busy work day so far. Just wrapping up and need to back as we're off to Banff to meet out-of-town family for supper.)
    February 12-176.2 (Had a great time in Banff with family. Had supper out that we walked to and from. Stayed up later than normal. Breakfast and a snowshoe this morning before returning home. Now about to go out again to take my Mom into Calgary for a one night staycation.)
    February 13-
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    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
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    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and have continued on monthly. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for February. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs
    1/1/22-168 lbs
    1/31/22-157.4 lbs

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️


    2022 goals:

    ⚫️ Get back down to where I was, weight and clothing size wise and a normal BMI.
    ⚫️ Keep within an acceptable weight range and stay healthy.

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️ Log & Pre log my food daily
    ♥️ Drink at least 90 oz of water.
    ♥️ Stay within 1000-1200 calories while losing.
    ♥️ Stay low carb
    ♥️ Exercise on my off work days.

    Highest weight: 255 lbs
    Goal weight: 122-125 lbs
    Current weight: 157.4 lbs
    Up to date loss so far: 98.6 lbs/133 lb goal
    February weight lost so far: 1 lb.

    February 1—157.4 lbs
    February 2—157.4 lbs
    February 3—159.4 lbs. I had too many Carbs yesterday and went over calories by a couple hundred. It was a co-workers birthday celebration and I had a piece of the chocolate cheesecake I got for her. Today 1 did 210 minutes on my Elliptical for 14.6 miles. A bit shorter today as I have someone I need to meet up with. May do a bit more later on. And I did another 120 minutes for 8.5 miles. So the day was 5 1/2 hours for 23.1 miles.

    February 4—158.4 lbs
    February 5—157.4 lbs
    February 6—158.4 lbs Probably from eating my dinner so late after getting off work. :-( Did 190 minutes on my Elliptical today.
    February 7—159.4 lbs Ate too may Carbs last pm.
    February 8—159.4 lbs :-( Did 280 minutes on the Elliptical for 18.14 miles

    February 9—159.8 lbs
    February 10-157.6 lbs
    February 11-156.4 lbs
    February 12-156.4 lbs. Did 300 minutes on my Elliptical today for 18.5 miles. Been crazy long days at work on 2/9-2/11. 15-18 hour days!! Come home, shower and go to bed and backup at 5 AM and do it all over again. I really needed this weekend off! Got a set of new scrubs on Sunday 2/6. Size SMALL! Others I ordered online and they came this past Thursday. Started with 2XL to LARGE and now SMALL! Only 1.4 lbs away from the 100 lb weight loss mark.

    February 13-
    February 14-
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    February 19-
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    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
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    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-

  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited February 2022
    My goals, which haven't changed from last month, include (from most difficult to the easiest)
    🚦 Getting started
    🥤 Drinking more water than diet soda
    🥅 Staying within my calorie limits
    📚☕ Making sure I get some “me time”
    😅🚶‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️ Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes total - not always an accurate time since I don't have a fitness watch. I use my phone, and I'm not allowed to have my phone with me during the day at work, so this category won't get a "thumbs up" unless I'm sure I've hit that 20 minute mark)
    📔 Tracking every meal
    ⚖️ Weighing daily is a given for me, so this will be the easiest one for me. I'm hoping to make it into the 180s by the end of February, and stay out of the 190s.

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Final weight (January 31, 2022) = 193.2 (+1.6 from my January starting weight :disappointed: )
    Starting weight for this challenge (February 1, 2022) = 194.2

    🚦 Ready... set.... GO!
    01/31/2022 - ⚖️ 193.2
    02/01/2022 – ⚖️ 194.2 (+1.0 from yesterday/+0.0 from first day of current month/-22.7 from rejoining MFP) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - Eating stress and emotions again... Not good.
    02/02/2022 – ⚖️ 195.4 (+1.2 / +1.2 / -22.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/03/2022 – ⚖️ 195.2 (-0.2 / +1.0 / -22.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/04/2022 ¬ ⚖️ 196.2 (+1.0 / +2.0 / -20.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/05/2022 – ⚖️ 195.2 (-1.0 / +1.0 / -21.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/06/2022 – ⚖️ 196.6 (+1.4 / +2.4/ -20.3) - 😅🚴🏻‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/07/2022 – ⚖️ 197.8 (+1.2 / +3.6/ -19.1) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - Sigh... BMI is back into obese range. I do have to say that, when I lost the weight I lost, people would tell me "Oh, I bet you feel so much better." I'd reply, "No, not really... I don't feel like anything's changed." Well, let me tell you, going the other way? I can definitely feel the change and it's not good.
    02/08/2022 – ⚖️197.5 (-0.3/+3.3/-19.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/09/2022 – ⚖️198.5 (+1.0/+4.3/-18.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔🥅
    02/10/2022 – ⚖️195.2 (-3.3/+1.0/-21.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔🥅 - Whatwhat?!?! I hit my calorie goal two days in a row. Now to get my carbs down again. I also don't believe this weight. -3.3 lbs in a day??? Can't see that being right. Maybe my scale needs new batteries. I dunno. I guess I'll see what it shows tomorrow.
    02/11/2022 – ⚖️193.5 (-1.7/-0.7/-23.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - still down. Won't be tomorrow. I ate too much tonight.
    02/12/2022 – ⚖️194.2 (+0.7/-0.0/-22.7) - 📚☕📔- It will be up again tomorrow. No real exercise today. We drove around some areas here in town to get see how we might feel about living in them as my girls and I are looking at moving back in together near the end of the year, since rents are getting crazy stupid. We're hoping to be able to find a decent place that won't cost us more than our current combined rents. But most places that we like are $300 and more over that amount. (How sad is it when studio apartments are going for $1500+? There's a new apartment complex across from where I work that has 450 sq foot studios starting at $1875.) Sigh. Well, we have a few months.
    02/13/2022 –
    02/14/2022 –
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    02/28/2022 -
  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm Jacquie - 59 years old from Canada. My goal is to lose the 15 lbs that have crept back on over the past two years. I'm looking forward to being accountable each day to help get back on track. I enjoy working out so didn't add any exercise goals but want to work on logging consistently and accurately and staying within my calorie goal each day.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 pounds each week
    ⚫️Reach my goal weight of 130 lbs

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Plan my meals and snacks each day
    ♥️Log consistently and accurately
    ♥️Eat within my calorie goal
    ♥️Avoid mindless snacking

    Highest weight: 170 lbs
    Current weight: 145.6 lbs

    February 1— 145.6
    February 2 - 144.4
    February 3 - 144.6
    February 4 - 144.8
    February 5 - 143.0 (???-think maybe from dehydration or because I ate dinner early yesterday)
    February 6 - 143.4 (Yeah! Stayed down in 143s!)
    February 7 - 144.6 (Sigh... didn't last! But take out Chinese food with friends yesterday was fun! And I felt good about the amounts I ate - even if it doesn't show up on the scale)
    February 8 - 143.6 (Yeah!)
    February 9 - 142.6
    February 10 - 143.0
    February 11 - 142.8
    February 12 - 143.0
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Darren, 34, I’m 5’11” tall. Trying to take control of my life and finally not have a protruding belly!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Get to maintenance by the end of the year
    ⚫️Workout at the gym 3-4 times per week

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Get in my daily pushups, squats, crunches, and lunges
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Drink/log 80+oz water
    ♥️Not to get frustrated if the scale goes up

    Highest weight: 226
    February Start Weight: 180.8
    February Goal Weight: 175
    February weight lost so far: (-0.7lbs)

    February 1—180.8
    February 2—179.6
    February 3—178.8
    February 4—179.1
    February 5—180.1
    February 6—178.7
    February 7—178.4
    February 8—178.7(I drank a ton of water at work yesterday and I think I'm still holding onto some of it lol)
    February 9—177.7
    February 10-180.6(overdid it at dinner last night 😅
    February 11-178.9
    February 12-178.5
    February 13-177.9
    February 14-
    February 15-
    February 16-
    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-🎂
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • kathi2587
    kathi2587 Posts: 20 Member
    kathi2587 Posts: 16 Member
    February 10
    ❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    Kathi, 53, I’m 5’4” tall. I'm logging onto MFP after a Six month hiatus hoping to finally reach my goal of 140lbs by July.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Work out 5 x week to tone up

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Log food daily
    ♥️Drink more water
    ♥️Stop mindless snacking

    Highest weight: 190
    Current weight: 168
    February Goal Weight: 164
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—168
    February 2—168
    February 3—168
    February 4—168, I've been logging my food but need to kickstart my exercise regimen. Still 24 days to, not going to get discouraged!
    February 5—168, not exercising enough
    February 6—168
    February 7—169, too much fun this weekend
    February 8—169, lets start again
    February 9—167, back on track!
    February 10-167
    February 11-167
    February 12-167
    February 13-167
    February 14-
    February 15-
    February 16-
    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • ebastian1
    ebastian1 Posts: 17 Member
    My goals are to do at least 5k steps each day and drink more water!

    February 7 - Starting weight is 114.1kg. Today I went for a walk and did 6700 steps. Ended up snacking after dinner which wasn't great.
    February 8 - 113.1kg
    February 9 - 112.5kg. Really active day on Tuesday. And managed to keep within my calorie limit
    February 10 - 112.3kg. Again a quite active day but ate back quite a lot of the calories
    February 11 - 113.5kg. Thought I had a good day but the scale shot up.
    February 12 - 112.8kg
    February 13 - 113.5kg
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Highest weight: 293 (1/28/22)
    Current weight: 179.6
    February weight lost so far: -

    February 1—178 (A new short month is upon us. Looking forward to firmly establishing myself in the 170's this month and continuing to make progress towards my fitness goals.)
    February 2—178.4 (Had lots of fun exercising yesterday - shadow boxing, indoor cycling and upper body strength. It's cold so I'm finding fun ways to exercise indoors.)
    February 3—179.2 (Got a new PR on my 45 minute Peloton ride yesterday. We had a delicious steak dinner and I had a relaxing night. Only one more day of bad cold until the dog and I will resume our outdoor walks.)
    February 4—179.6 (The weekend is almost here... looking forward to the mental break. I am juggling cycling, strength and boxing programs and wanting to do it all so having more time for exercise is very exciting to me.)
    February 5—179.8 (Up at 5 am to crush my long ride of the week. 75 minutes done and ready to get into the day.)
    February 6—178.6 (Off to snowshoe in Kananaskis today. Warm weather is back and the mountains are calling.)
    February 7—181.6 (Had a fabulous weekend... Monday morning always comes so quickly. The weather is divine, most of our snow has melted, and the sun is out. Looking forward to a lunch time walk as I have a heavy bloated feeling in my stomach this morning.)
    February 8—181 (Husband made beef ribs on the BBQ last night - he is a charcoal grill master. The portion size on ribs to keep calories reasonable is very low, but I enjoyed my serving. I've had many moments in the last few weeks where I think back to old me and I have no idea how many calories I was eating, but it must have been a lot! Knowledge is power for me.)
    February 9—180.4 (Tired in the mornings so I've been exercising more at night which is harder on me, but I'm getting it done. We have dinner out with friends tonight so I have the meal pre-logged and I'm planning a maintenance day.)
    February 10-177.8 (Had a lovely supper out last night and stuck to my pre-tracked plan. Just focused on getting my 10K steps and got to bed when we got home from supper. Got up at 5 a.m. this morning to get my Peloton ride in since we're out again tonight.)
    February 11-178 (Got up early to ride before work and got a new PR on my 60 minute ride. Busy work day so far. Just wrapping up and need to back as we're off to Banff to meet out-of-town family for supper.)
    February 12-176.2 (Had a great time in Banff with family. Had supper out that we walked to and from. Stayed up later than normal. Breakfast and a snowshoe this morning before returning home. Now about to go out again to take my Mom into Calgary for a one night staycation.)
    February 13-179.6 (Had fun with Mom and my husband in Calgary. Picked the healthier of the meal options available but there was dessert and wine so I did go over my calories. Enjoy Superbowl today everyone!)
    February 14-
    February 15-
    February 16-
    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Goals: Maintain Weight 178-182
    Log During Maintenance

    Oct. 2021 weight: 206.0
    Weight loss: 27.1

    February 1: 179.1
    February 2: 179.2
    February 3: 179.1
    February 4: 179.1
    February 5: 178.8
    February 6: 180.0
    February 7: 179.9 Salty weekend
    February 8: 178.6
    February 9: 178.4
    February 10: 178.9
    February 11: 178.0
    February 12: 178.5
    February 13: 178.9
    February 14:
    February 15:
    February 16:
    February 17:
    February 18:
    February 19:
    February 20:
    February 21:
    February 22:
    February 23:
    February 24:
    February 26:
    February 27:
    February 28
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,051 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from January 31st): 197.0
    Goal: 192.0 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME**************************

    02/01…...197.0…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Pro: No change. There’s that! Con: Only 28 days to get something done!

    02/02.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Meals good. Snacks bad. No TMI and exercise ziltch but the renovation is moving along, although slowly.

    02/03.…..195.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4}….. No better on the exercise due to the restrictions, but meals were much better planned. Quantities much better too. Pushing water today as tonight’s homemade Mexican food will likely be high in sodium.

    02/04.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. Sodium from the Mexican I presume because otherwise the day was not bad. I did hit a record low on calories burned, miles walked and steps according to my fitbit. Fitness makes a big difference!

    02/05.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. Full-on BINGE last night. Probably the worst I’ve ever experienced. I don’t even know what triggered it. Nothing showed up on the scale yet this morning, but I know it’s coming…..

    02/06.…..194.6…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. This is the first time in awhile (I only checked records back to 3 weeks) that my trend weight has went down. Thrilled because that means that something is really happening! A nice drop on the scale this morning too. I’m surprised that the binge hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe I’ll luck out on this one. No matter! I’m running with it. It makes me feel encouraged today.

    02/07.…..195.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. I had a very good day yesterday. Dietary was on point. More steps and activity than I’ve been able to get lately. The uptick is likely from a few days ago but I’m not worried since I’ve been doing well since then.

    02/08.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Three squares and some sugar-free candy for a snack. Upped the steps to 8700 but calorie burn was about the same as the days prior. This is a whoosh.

    02/09.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Holding steady and happy for that. I don’t expect loss everyday, so no gain is good and the path I’m on is the right one.

    02/10.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.2)….. A good day, but pizza for dinner shocked my scale this morning. It is ridiculous how fast the scale flies up! It was very salty tasting so I will push water today.

    02/11.…..194.8…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    02/12.…..197.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4)….. Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    02/13.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. I was so sick last night from all of this weeks bad choices. Pizza, Subway, Cake etc. All too rich. My body could not get enough water yesterday as it tried to flush everything out to save this diabetic from a hospital trip. My sugar read 438 an hour after my medication. I’m smarter than this. I just need to win this staring competition with my diabetes. I will not blink today!

    02/14.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/15……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/16……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/17.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/18.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • AdahGreen2022
    AdahGreen2022 Posts: 264 Member
    ❤February Challenge❤

    I’m 5’2” tall and in my 40s...

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️135 lbs...fit and healthy *less sugary sweets, butter, and cheese*
    Spend more time doing what I enjoy...art, reading, walking, day trips trying new restaurants and visiting antique shops and museums...

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with 10 minute Pilates
    ♥️Plan healthy meals and stick to it
    ♥️Sleep well
    ♥️Eat less sugar ~1500 calories
    ♥️walk 150 minutes per week +
    ♥️Drink more water

    Highest weight: about 160
    Current weight: 143
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—143
    February 2—143
    February 3—144
    February 4—144
    February 5—144
    February 6—143
    February 7—143
    February 8—143...going slowly!:/
    February 9—143
    February 10-145! Ate at Huddle House😬
    February 11-144
    February 12-144
    February 13-144
    February 14- GOAL 142
    February 15-
    February 16-
    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28- GOAL 140

  • HealthierChristine2022
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Christine and I’ve been on and off MFP. Year 2022 for me is the year where I fully commit to making better choices for a healthier and happier me. I have already made one major change almost 4 years ago and that was to give up smoking, of course as most fear I did gain weight on top of weight I was not already happy with in the first place. My goal going forward is 1 pound loss a week, which would put me at 180 pounds.

    Joining this group a little late, but you know what they say-Better late than never!

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Eat at or under my calorie goal
    ♥️Get 30 minutes of exercise each day
    ♥️Drink and log more water

    Highest weight: 230
    Current weight:224.4
    February weight lost so far: 3.3 lbs

    February 1—224.6
    February 2—225.4
    February 3—227.9
    February 4—226.8
    February 5—227.7
    February 6—227.2
    February 7—227.7 (Day 1 of consuming at least 64 oz of H2O)
    February 8—226.1 (Mastered 10-8oz glasses of water today--yippee!)
    February 9—225.0 (Streak 3 days of logging in!)
    February 10—225.5 (Streak 3 days logging in and days streak of logging 80oz of H2O)
    February 11—225.5 (Steady goes it-Still rocking that H2O intake!)
    February 12—224.4 (6th day steak logging in, logging food, 5 day steak logging H2O and 4 of it consuming 80ounces of water)
    February 13—224.4 (7 day streak logging food and H2O-added for activity to my daily exercise-so hope to see a difference in time)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and have continued on monthly. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for February. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs
    1/1/22-168 lbs
    1/31/22-157.4 lbs

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️


    2022 goals:

    ⚫️ Get back down to where I was, weight and clothing size wise and a normal BMI.
    ⚫️ Keep within an acceptable weight range and stay healthy.

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️ Log & Pre log my food daily
    ♥️ Drink at least 90 oz of water.
    ♥️ Stay within 1000-1200 calories while losing.
    ♥️ Stay low carb
    ♥️ Exercise on my off work days.

    Highest weight: 255 lbs
    Goal weight: 122-125 lbs
    Current weight: 156.4 lbs
    Up to date loss so far: 98.6 lbs/133 lb goal
    February weight lost so far: 1 lb.

    February 1—157.4 lbs
    February 2—157.4 lbs
    February 3—159.4 lbs. I had too many Carbs yesterday and went over calories by a couple hundred. It was a co-workers birthday celebration and I had a piece of the chocolate cheesecake I got for her. Today 1 did 210 minutes on my Elliptical for 14.6 miles. A bit shorter today as I have someone I need to meet up with. May do a bit more later on. And I did another 120 minutes for 8.5 miles. So the day was 5 1/2 hours for 23.1 miles.

    February 4—158.4 lbs
    February 5—157.4 lbs
    February 6—158.4 lbs Probably from eating my dinner so late after getting off work. :-( Did 190 minutes on my Elliptical today.
    February 7—159.4 lbs Ate too may Carbs last pm.
    February 8—159.4 lbs :-( Did 280 minutes on the Elliptical for 18.14 miles

    February 9—159.8 lbs
    February 10-157.6 lbs
    February 11-156.4 lbs
    February 12-156.4 lbs. Did 300 minutes on my Elliptical today for 18.5 miles. Been crazy long days at work on 2/9-2/11. 15-18 hour days!! Come home, shower and go to bed and backup at 5 AM and do it all over again. I really needed this weekend off! Got a set of new scrubs on Sunday 2/6. Size SMALL! Others I ordered online and they came this past Thursday. Started with 2XL to LARGE and now SMALL! Only 1.4 lbs away from the 100 lb weight loss mark.

    February 13-156.4 lbs. Did my Elliptical 200 minutes for 13.19 miles.
    February 14-
    February 15-
    February 16-
    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-

  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm Jacquie - 59 years old from Canada. My goal is to lose the 15 lbs that have crept back on over the past two years. I'm looking forward to being accountable each day to help get back on track. I enjoy working out so didn't add any exercise goals but want to work on logging consistently and accurately and staying within my calorie goal each day.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 pounds each week
    ⚫️Reach my goal weight of 130 lbs

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Plan my meals and snacks each day
    ♥️Log consistently and accurately
    ♥️Eat within my calorie goal
    ♥️Avoid mindless snacking

    Highest weight: 170 lbs
    Current weight: 145.6 lbs

    February 1— 145.6
    February 2 - 144.4
    February 3 - 144.6
    February 4 - 144.8
    February 5 - 143.0 (???-think maybe from dehydration or because I ate dinner early yesterday)
    February 6 - 143.4 (Yeah! Stayed down in 143s!)
    February 7 - 144.6 (Sigh... didn't last! But take out Chinese food with friends yesterday was fun! And I felt good about the amounts I ate - even if it doesn't show up on the scale)
    February 8 - 143.6 (Yeah!)
    February 9 - 142.6
    February 10 - 143.0
    February 11 - 142.8
    February 12 - 143.0
    February 13 - 143.4
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,360 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 146.9
    Challenge Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    02/01 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.25 miles in 109 mins
    02/02 - 145.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    02/03 - 147.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.37 miles in 133 mins
    02/04 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/05 - 146.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.22 miles in 125 mins
    02/06 - 148.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...7.25 miles in 133 mins
    02/07 - 148.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/08 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ... rest day
    02/09 - 147.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/10 - 148.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.12 miles in 124 mins
    02/11 - 148.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/12 - 146.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.19 miles in 108 mins
    02/13 - 147.7 at 8:45 a.m. ...6.46 miles in 119 mins