any other type 2's?

Hi everyone new to the site ..... Looking for a little advise from any fellow type 2's. I was diagnosed with diabetes in March with bs of 350 and triglycerides (sp) that were over 6000. A1C was 12.2. I was 282 @ (6,2") at the time. Went from insulin to oral meds then to no meds at all. Lost 77 lbs in the past 6 205 with an A1C of 5.6. Eating right and riding alot. I have worked my way up to about 170 miles a week....i enjoy riding. So the problem began this week. My bloodsugar, which has been rock solid stable is now dropping to 59 after only 30 min of riding. I have tried hammer nutrition drinks, watched everything i have been eating, tried adding carbs, changing meal timing and i still drop like a rock. its been hard to go from being able to ride for hours to not being able to ride for 30... my dr. seem to be lost on the subject and basically said if riding causes the problem...stop riding? Have an apt for an Endo in a few weeks. Anyone experiance constant lows while riding? any thoughts or aadvise? Thanks, Rich


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    What medications are you taking (not for your sugar)?
  • rwhitwor
    im only on zocor 20 mg and diavan 40, i also do some fish oil, a multi vite, and C and E
  • LaurenJn83
    You may already have tried this, but before you ride, your source of carbs should have some fat too because fat slows down the metabolism of the carbs. So peanut butter, milk, etc are good for that.
    Another thought: is it possible for you to try riding a different time of day. Your basel insulin may fluctuate at different times of the day.

    I don't have diabetes, but I'm a Pharmacist.

    Hopefully your endocrinologist can give you more tips. I don't think you should stop though.
  • rwhitwor
    I think there are may things that may involved with the more thinking and questioning (thanks) i do/get. About 2 weeks ago i switched from riding in the morning to the evening b/c of the change in the daylight. About a week into this switch is when i started having problems.....Funny you said milk...i have it every morning with my ceral then go out for a ride and never has a problem. Yesterday i decided to go out in the am and see what happens...guess what went for 30 miles and had no problems. Mondays are my rest day so tomorrow I'm going to ride in the pm.....and have a glass of milk before hand....and see what happens. I'll let you know. Thanks!!