
New to the forum, been using MFP for about 2 weeks now and LOVE it. My doc put me on a restricted calorie plan for four weeks (I'm on week two) and I've lost 7 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 60 lbs...but I'm taking it 20 at a time so I don't get overwhelmed :-)

I'd love to meet some new friends here so we can help motivate each other. I'm having a blast watching the pounds melt away and, although I know there will be tough times ahead, I'm looking forward to the day when my weight loss chart says "60 lbs lost - GOAL REACHED!!"

Please feel free to add me to your friend list - let's get motivated!


  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    hey there I agree I love this site - my pounds are coming off slowly but at least I am losing . I am hoping at least to lose 20 pounds and I have tried with different programs but this one is sticking.
  • LesleyMobey
    welcome to the site:smile:
  • gracibelle