Restarting after life trauma

Hello Everyone!

My name is Tina. I am 41 year old and three children (21, 18, & 16). In 2019 I weighed 310 pounds and decided to lose weight. I was able to drop down to 272.

I was doing great. Then needed surgery and just maintained for a couple years....then my husband of 21 years passed away. Many who go through that trauma cannot eat and lose weight. I did the opposite and gained. I ignored it for the most part but after getting on a plane and squeezing into my seat over the weekend I am disgusted with myself. Like truly disgusted and no longer felt comfortable in my own skin. I feel gross. I just weighed myself and I am back up to 293 ☹️. I need to get this weight off and am looking for some friends who can help me along the way.

I am going to try and attach some pictures I took recently. The ones at the beach were this weekend so I can have this record of my current weight.

Feel free to send me a friend request or get in touch. I am planning to start this new journey on Monday.5mnnyql3lg9e.jpg


  • lkh314
    lkh314 Posts: 4 Member
    I am so sorry for what you have suffered! I have not lost my spouse but I have been through some traumatic things in this past year and I know it can just make everything go upside down. For me, I just didn’t really care in the moment, I just wanted to feel better so I would eat because it was mindless and made me happy and I thought I deserved to feel happy. I wish you success!
  • jkwheeler200
    jkwheeler200 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it. It’s normal to have a step forward and a step back. Just keep making those steps forward and talk nice to yourself. When we talk bad to ourself it drains our energy. Be your own encouraging friend. You are on the right path.