♥️❤️February Daily Log-in & Weigh-in Challenge❤️♥️



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,265 Member
    Highest weight: 293 (1/28/22)
    Current weight: 177.2
    February weight lost so far: 0.8

    February 1—178 (A new short month is upon us. Looking forward to firmly establishing myself in the 170's this month and continuing to make progress towards my fitness goals.)
    February 2—178.4 (Had lots of fun exercising yesterday - shadow boxing, indoor cycling and upper body strength. It's cold so I'm finding fun ways to exercise indoors.)
    February 3—179.2 (Got a new PR on my 45 minute Peloton ride yesterday. We had a delicious steak dinner and I had a relaxing night. Only one more day of bad cold until the dog and I will resume our outdoor walks.)
    February 4—179.6 (The weekend is almost here... looking forward to the mental break. I am juggling cycling, strength and boxing programs and wanting to do it all so having more time for exercise is very exciting to me.)
    February 5—179.8 (Up at 5 am to crush my long ride of the week. 75 minutes done and ready to get into the day.)
    February 6—178.6 (Off to snowshoe in Kananaskis today. Warm weather is back and the mountains are calling.)
    February 7—181.6 (Had a fabulous weekend... Monday morning always comes so quickly. The weather is divine, most of our snow has melted, and the sun is out. Looking forward to a lunch time walk as I have a heavy bloated feeling in my stomach this morning.)
    February 8—181 (Husband made beef ribs on the BBQ last night - he is a charcoal grill master. The portion size on ribs to keep calories reasonable is very low, but I enjoyed my serving. I've had many moments in the last few weeks where I think back to old me and I have no idea how many calories I was eating, but it must have been a lot! Knowledge is power for me.)
    February 9—180.4 (Tired in the mornings so I've been exercising more at night which is harder on me, but I'm getting it done. We have dinner out with friends tonight so I have the meal pre-logged and I'm planning a maintenance day.)
    February 10-177.8 (Had a lovely supper out last night and stuck to my pre-tracked plan. Just focused on getting my 10K steps and got to bed when we got home from supper. Got up at 5 a.m. this morning to get my Peloton ride in since we're out again tonight.)
    February 11-178 (Got up early to ride before work and got a new PR on my 60 minute ride. Busy work day so far. Just wrapping up and need to back as we're off to Banff to meet out-of-town family for supper.)
    February 12-176.2 (Had a great time in Banff with family. Had supper out that we walked to and from. Stayed up later than normal. Breakfast and a snowshoe this morning before returning home. Now about to go out again to take my Mom into Calgary for a one night staycation.)
    February 13-179.6 (Had fun with Mom and my husband in Calgary. Picked the healthier of the meal options available but there was dessert and wine so I did go over my calories. Enjoy Superbowl today everyone!)
    February 14-180.4 (Between yesterday and today I did a lot of strength so I'm sore now. Night in to celebrate with my sweetie. His birthday is also in two days and then we will be mostly back to normal here.)
    February 15-181 (Had a loving Valentine's Day celebration. Got my Peloton ride in before work as we are busy tonight with appointments and phone calls.)
    February 16-180 (Today was my husband's birthday. I got a Peloton ride in and then I went out to get him breakfast before work. We had a nice sunshine filled walk at lunch and I took him to a fun restaurant in downtown Calgary for supper. The week of events is almost coming to a close!)
    February 17-179.8 (Not a skier but figured tubing down Lake Louise was our speed so off to do that today.)
    February 18-180.2 (Was back at work for one day today and now it's onto a three day long weekend as it's a holiday here in Alberta on Monday. The weather has turned cold again but the hubby and I will still ensure we find ways to be active.)
    February 19-180.2 (Have a long list of stuff I am doing today - some social stuff, some errands, some outdoor time/exercise. Time to get to it!)
    February 20-181.6 (The snow has come back. There is a lot of it outside waiting for me to shovel. Plans for today include that, a movie, the possible purchase of a road bike, and a Peloton ride.)
    February 21-180.6 (Had fun yesterday at a movie out. Also bought a gravel bike like I thought so I'm ready to keep up to my husband in the spring. I rode the Peloton for 60 minutes last night. Feeling sore today but want to get a strength day in.)
    February 22-179.4 (Back at work today. Life feels busier lately so I'm trying to ensure I'm planning ahead as best I can. I have my dad coming to stay with us for 10 days in March so I'll need to get some stuff done before then. Riding the Peloton on my lunch break.)
    February 23-176.4 (Planning to meet up with some MFP friends after work for a group Peloton ride. Will do my strength session at lunch.)
    February 24-177.2 (Day started early and it's going to be go go go! Taking my mom to a doctor's appointment over my lunch break and then I'll have to work later to make up for it. Going to pick up my new gravel bike and have sushi dinner with my husband after work. Doesn't feel like there will be enough hours in the day to fit in my exercise but I'll find a way!)
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and have continued on monthly. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for February. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs
    1/1/22-168 lbs
    1/31/22-157.4 lbs

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️ Get back down to where I was, weight and clothing size wise and a normal BMI.
    ⚫️ Keep within an acceptable weight range and stay healthy.

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️ Log & Pre log my food daily
    ♥️ Drink at least 90 oz of water.
    ♥️ Stay within 1000-1200 calories while losing.
    ♥️ Stay low carb
    ♥️ Exercise on my off work days.

    Highest weight: 255 lbs
    Goal weight: 122-125 lbs
    Current weight: 156.6 lbs
    Up to date loss so far: 98.4 lbs/133 lb goal
    February weight lost so far: 0.8 lb.

    February 1—157.4 lbs
    February 2—157.4 lbs
    February 3—159.4 lbs. I had too many Carbs yesterday and went over calories by a couple hundred. It was a co-workers birthday celebration and I had a piece of the chocolate cheesecake I got for her. Today 1 did 210 minutes on my Elliptical for 14.6 miles. A bit shorter today as I have someone I need to meet up with. May do a bit more later on. And I did another 120 minutes for 8.5 miles. So the day was 5 1/2 hours for 23.1 miles.
    February 4—158.4 lbs
    February 5—157.4 lbs
    February 6—158.4 lbs Probably from eating my dinner so late after getting off work. :-( Did 190 minutes on my Elliptical today.
    February 7—159.4 lbs Ate too may Carbs last pm.
    February 8—159.4 lbs :-( Did 280 minutes on the Elliptical for 18.14 miles
    February 9—159.8 lbs
    February 10-157.6 lbs
    February 11-156.4 lbs
    February 12-156.4 lbs. Did 300 minutes on my Elliptical today for 18.5 miles. Been crazy long days at work on 2/9-2/11. 15-18 hour days!! Come home, shower and go to bed and backup at 5 AM and do it all over again. I really needed this weekend off! Got a set of new scrubs on Sunday 2/6. Size SMALL! Others I ordered online and they came this past Thursday. Started with 2XL to LARGE and now SMALL! Only 1.4 lbs away from the 100 lb weight loss mark.
    February 13-156.4 lbs. Did my Elliptical 200 minutes for 13.19 miles.
    February 14- 156.4 lbs.
    February 15- 156.4 lbs Same weight for 5 days Good thing too because I ate some carbs yesterday that I shouldn't have. Wasn't even hungry and they weren't even worth the calories/carbs. (People brought in sweets for Valentine's Day) And afterwards I felt mentally horrible for doing it! So I did my Elliptical today for 301 minutes for 20.02 miles. Just had to get the 20 mile mark!
    February 16- 156.4 lbs Still same weight the sixth day. :-(
    February 17- 155.4 lbs! New low and 99.6 lbs off! Just this close __ to the hundred mark! My day off but no exercise today. My sister is in the hospital 2 hours away from me. And being the nurse in the family, it is serious and I went to decipher what is going on and back as I work Friday and Saturday.
    February 18-155.4 lbs
    February 19-156.4 lbs
    February 20-157.6 lbs Not good, off the rails a bit. Did 310 minutes on my Elliptical today for 20.16 miles. I turned to unnecessary food.
    February 21-158.6 lbs
    February 22-159.4 lbs. My sister passed away yesterday morning. I'm glad she didn't linger on and on.
    February 23-160.6 lbs :-(

    February 24-156.6 lbs Have 6 days off. Planning to get some exercise in each day. Maybe twice a days. So far today's Elliptical 180 minutes for 11.56 miles.
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-

  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Goals: Maintain Weight 178-182
    Log During Maintenance

    Oct. 2021 weight: 206.0
    Weight loss: 27.0

    February 1: 179.1
    February 2: 179.2
    February 3: 179.1
    February 4: 179.1
    February 5: 178.8
    February 6: 180.0
    February 7: 179.9 Salty weekend
    February 8: 178.6
    February 9: 178.4
    February 10: 178.9
    February 11: 178.0
    February 12: 178.5
    February 13: 178.9
    February 14: 178.9
    February 15: 178.8 Still on the salt train!
    February 16: 178.0 I’m back!
    February 17: 178.0
    February 18: 178.4
    February 19: 178.0
    February 20: 178.3
    February 21: 178.6
    February 22: 179.5 paying for salt fest.
    February 23: 178.2
    February 24: 179.0
    February 26:
    February 27:
    February 28
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    @swimmom_1 and @deepwoodslady
    Just catching up. Sorry for you losses.
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    edited February 2022
    Goals: Maintain Weight 178-182
    Log During Maintenance

    Oct. 2021 weight: 206.0
    Weight loss: 28.2

    February 1: 179.1
    February 2: 179.2
    February 3: 179.1
    February 4: 179.1
    February 5: 178.8
    February 6: 180.0
    February 7: 179.9 Salty weekend
    February 8: 178.6
    February 9: 178.4
    February 10: 178.9
    February 11: 178.0
    February 12: 178.5
    February 13: 178.9
    February 14: 178.9
    February 15: 178.8 Still on the salt train!
    February 16: 178.0 I’m back!
    February 17: 178.0
    February 18: 178.4
    February 19: 178.0
    February 20: 178.3
    February 21: 178.6
    February 22: 179.5 paying for salt fest.
    February 23: 178.2
    February 24: 179.0
    February 25: 177.8 now I’m under target. 😆
    February 26:
    February 27:
    February 28
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,265 Member
    Highest weight: 293 (1/28/22)
    Current weight: 176.6
    February weight lost so far: 1.4

    February 1—178 (A new short month is upon us. Looking forward to firmly establishing myself in the 170's this month and continuing to make progress towards my fitness goals.)
    February 2—178.4 (Had lots of fun exercising yesterday - shadow boxing, indoor cycling and upper body strength. It's cold so I'm finding fun ways to exercise indoors.)
    February 3—179.2 (Got a new PR on my 45 minute Peloton ride yesterday. We had a delicious steak dinner and I had a relaxing night. Only one more day of bad cold until the dog and I will resume our outdoor walks.)
    February 4—179.6 (The weekend is almost here... looking forward to the mental break. I am juggling cycling, strength and boxing programs and wanting to do it all so having more time for exercise is very exciting to me.)
    February 5—179.8 (Up at 5 am to crush my long ride of the week. 75 minutes done and ready to get into the day.)
    February 6—178.6 (Off to snowshoe in Kananaskis today. Warm weather is back and the mountains are calling.)
    February 7—181.6 (Had a fabulous weekend... Monday morning always comes so quickly. The weather is divine, most of our snow has melted, and the sun is out. Looking forward to a lunch time walk as I have a heavy bloated feeling in my stomach this morning.)
    February 8—181 (Husband made beef ribs on the BBQ last night - he is a charcoal grill master. The portion size on ribs to keep calories reasonable is very low, but I enjoyed my serving. I've had many moments in the last few weeks where I think back to old me and I have no idea how many calories I was eating, but it must have been a lot! Knowledge is power for me.)
    February 9—180.4 (Tired in the mornings so I've been exercising more at night which is harder on me, but I'm getting it done. We have dinner out with friends tonight so I have the meal pre-logged and I'm planning a maintenance day.)
    February 10-177.8 (Had a lovely supper out last night and stuck to my pre-tracked plan. Just focused on getting my 10K steps and got to bed when we got home from supper. Got up at 5 a.m. this morning to get my Peloton ride in since we're out again tonight.)
    February 11-178 (Got up early to ride before work and got a new PR on my 60 minute ride. Busy work day so far. Just wrapping up and need to back as we're off to Banff to meet out-of-town family for supper.)
    February 12-176.2 (Had a great time in Banff with family. Had supper out that we walked to and from. Stayed up later than normal. Breakfast and a snowshoe this morning before returning home. Now about to go out again to take my Mom into Calgary for a one night staycation.)
    February 13-179.6 (Had fun with Mom and my husband in Calgary. Picked the healthier of the meal options available but there was dessert and wine so I did go over my calories. Enjoy Superbowl today everyone!)
    February 14-180.4 (Between yesterday and today I did a lot of strength so I'm sore now. Night in to celebrate with my sweetie. His birthday is also in two days and then we will be mostly back to normal here.)
    February 15-181 (Had a loving Valentine's Day celebration. Got my Peloton ride in before work as we are busy tonight with appointments and phone calls.)
    February 16-180 (Today was my husband's birthday. I got a Peloton ride in and then I went out to get him breakfast before work. We had a nice sunshine filled walk at lunch and I took him to a fun restaurant in downtown Calgary for supper. The week of events is almost coming to a close!)
    February 17-179.8 (Not a skier but figured tubing down Lake Louise was our speed so off to do that today.)
    February 18-180.2 (Was back at work for one day today and now it's onto a three day long weekend as it's a holiday here in Alberta on Monday. The weather has turned cold again but the hubby and I will still ensure we find ways to be active.)
    February 19-180.2 (Have a long list of stuff I am doing today - some social stuff, some errands, some outdoor time/exercise. Time to get to it!)
    February 20-181.6 (The snow has come back. There is a lot of it outside waiting for me to shovel. Plans for today include that, a movie, the possible purchase of a road bike, and a Peloton ride.)
    February 21-180.6 (Had fun yesterday at a movie out. Also bought a gravel bike like I thought so I'm ready to keep up to my husband in the spring. I rode the Peloton for 60 minutes last night. Feeling sore today but want to get a strength day in.)
    February 22-179.4 (Back at work today. Life feels busier lately so I'm trying to ensure I'm planning ahead as best I can. I have my dad coming to stay with us for 10 days in March so I'll need to get some stuff done before then. Riding the Peloton on my lunch break.)
    February 23-176.4 (Planning to meet up with some MFP friends after work for a group Peloton ride. Will do my strength session at lunch.)
    February 24-177.2 (Day started early and it's going to be go go go! Taking my mom to a doctor's appointment over my lunch break and then I'll have to work later to make up for it. Going to pick up my new gravel bike and have sushi dinner with my husband after work. Doesn't feel like there will be enough hours in the day to fit in my exercise but I'll find a way!)
    February 25-176.6 (Kept my promise to myself and did my Peloton workout last night before bed. Felt amazing to make sure I fit it in. The weather is warming up so I'm looking forward to a walk in the sunshine at lunch. Another supper out with family tonight so I'll be doing either my strength or Peloton workout late again.)
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    My goals, which haven't changed from last month, include (from most difficult to the easiest)
    🚦 Getting started
    🥤 Drinking more water than diet soda
    🥅 Staying within my calorie limits
    📚☕ Making sure I get some “me time”
    😅🚶‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️ Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes total - not always an accurate time since I don't have a fitness watch. I use my phone, and I'm not allowed to have my phone with me during the day at work, so this category won't get a "thumbs up" unless I'm sure I've hit that 20 minute mark)
    📔 Tracking every meal
    ⚖️ Weighing daily is a given for me, so this will be the easiest one for me. I'm hoping to make it into the 180s by the end of February, and stay out of the 190s.

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Final weight (January 31, 2022) = 193.2 (+1.6 from my January starting weight :disappointed: )
    Starting weight for this challenge (February 1, 2022) = 194.2

    🚦 Ready... set.... GO!
    01/31/2022 - ⚖️ 193.2
    02/01/2022 – ⚖️ 194.2 (+1.0 from yesterday/+0.0 from first day of current month/-22.7 from rejoining MFP) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - Eating stress and emotions again... Not good.
    02/02/2022 – ⚖️ 195.4 (+1.2 / +1.2 / -22.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/03/2022 – ⚖️ 195.2 (-0.2 / +1.0 / -22.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/04/2022 ¬ ⚖️ 196.2 (+1.0 / +2.0 / -20.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/05/2022 – ⚖️ 195.2 (-1.0 / +1.0 / -21.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/06/2022 – ⚖️ 196.6 (+1.4 / +2.4/ -20.3) - 😅🚴🏻‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/07/2022 – ⚖️ 197.8 (+1.2 / +3.6/ -19.1) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - Sigh... BMI is back into obese range. I do have to say that, when I lost the weight I lost, people would tell me "Oh, I bet you feel so much better." I'd reply, "No, not really... I don't feel like anything's changed." Well, let me tell you, going the other way? I can definitely feel the change and it's not good.
    02/08/2022 – ⚖️197.5 (-0.3/+3.3/-19.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/09/2022 – ⚖️198.5 (+1.0/+4.3/-18.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔🥅
    02/10/2022 – ⚖️195.2 (-3.3/+1.0/-21.7) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔🥅
    02/11/2022 – ⚖️193.5 (-1.7/-0.7/-23.4) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/12/2022 – ⚖️194.2 (+0.7/-0.0/-22.7) - 📚☕📔
    02/13/2022 – ⚖️193.9 (-0.3/-0.3/-23.0) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/14/2022 – ⚖️194.4 (+0.2/+0.2/-22.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 (Do I get extra credit for hoofing it in heels to the Post Office and back to work with time to heat and eat my lunch? I know it's only about 3/4 mile round-trip, but... heels! Hahaha!) - back to choosing badly at dinner and it wasn't even that good. :(
    02/15/2022 – ⚖️194.4 (+0.0/+0.2/-22.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/16/2022 – ⚖️194.8 (+0.4/+0.6/-22.1) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/17/2022 – ⚖️195.4 (+1.4/+1.6/-21.5) -
    02/18/2022 – ⚖️196.4 (+2.4/+2.6/-20.5) - 🚶‍♀️📔
    02/19/2022 – ⚖️195.4 (+1.4/+1.6/-21.5) -🚶‍♀️📚☕
    02/20/2022 – ⚖️195.4 (+0.0/+1.6/-21.5) - 📔
    02/21/2022 – ⚖️197.4 (+2.0/+3.6/-19.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕
    02/22/2022 – ⚖️196.4 (-1.0/+2.6/-20.5) - 📚☕
    02/23/2022 – ⚖️196.8 (+0.4/+3.0/-20.1) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔
    02/24/2022 – ⚖️198.4 (+2.4/+4.2/-18.5) - 🚶‍♀️📚☕📔 - fixed some of the weight numbers after using a calculator. Math is not, nor has it ever been, my strong point.
    02/25/2022 – ⚖️198.0 (-0.4/+3.8/-18.9) - today's my "half-birthday".... woot... one day closer to retirement in 1405 days. Sigh.
    02/26/2022 –
    02/27/2022 –
    02/28/2022 -