Need to lose 50 pounds. Join me.

Planning to start diet and logging my food Monday. Need to drop 50 pounds. So tired of being fat. I have office job and work a lot so not very active with exercise. Add me as a friend. Thanks. Good luck


  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Good luck! Also, I’d encourage you to not wait until Monday. Instead, go ahead and input everything you’ve already eaten today. Just start tracking (even if over calories). There isn’t anything magic about Mondays.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    I added you. I too am in the process of losing 50 pounds with an office job. I walk at least 2 times a day on my breaks, it really seems to help. It's just laps around a large area we have in the back of our building (I don't feel safe walking alone outside in the area I am in). I can get about a 1/2 mile in on each of my breaks. Sometimes I will walk at lunch too. Any way you can add something like that to your day?