Starting again for the last time

Hi I'm restarting my weight loss journey for the last time I'm going to be meal prepping and counting my calories with also stopping the habit of wanting soda


  • JensGotGoals
    JensGotGoals Posts: 7 Member
    I am right there with you!!! I am starting fresh tomorrow morning. My plan is to eat in a modest calorie deficit and kick the soda habit. After those habits are in place I will work on adding additional healthy habits over time. I want this to be my LAST fresh start - to make sure the changes I make are truly things I can live with forever.
  • valerieER
    valerieER Posts: 1 Member
    For some reason I don't know how to add friends... please add me as a friend like to see and support your journey.
  • FoxySprinkles
    FoxySprinkles Posts: 32 Member
    Me too. Its my bday soon and I'm devastated. I feel absolutely obese and terrible about what I've done to my body. I'm really committed to fixing this. I have no other choice.