I know the problem, I know how to fix it, now how don't I gi

Before this weekend I had lost a total of 12 lbs. I went out to dinner with a friend but made healthy choices. Okay, the drink she bought me (before I had scanned hers to see the calories) was a little much and I wouldn't have drank it if she hadn't bought it.

But I've been trying to experiment with adding more calories during the day and not being so far under as well as eating my exercise calories. But it's hard because I kind of fear calories since I'm trying so hard to lose weight. It's like I'm going overboard the wrong way.

I also have discovered I can't eat cheese like I used to. (Sorry for TMI) It is completely binding me up and causing the scale to register higher. I had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast and then a small personal pizza (350 calories) for lunch on Friday and I haven't pooped since. So I know the problem and I know mostly how to fix it.

I just need support that I shouldn't give up and just be the pudgy one in the family. I also need breakfast ideas that are in the 300-400 calorie range for a working mother on the go. I have absolutely no ability to eat at home with getting ready for work, kids ready, out the door by 630 am, hubby to train, kids to daycare and me to work by 745. I can eat at my desk at work. So portable meals are good. Advice please!!!!


  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    In the past, I've had the same problem regarding breakfast and one of my "usuals" became a bagel w/cream cheese made up the night before, wrapped in tin foil with tin foil between the two slices because I hate when my bottom cream cheese and my top cream cheese stick together. lol I'd just grab it and go and usually wolf it in the car driving to work. I put it in my diary as 330 cal.
    I know you said the cheese is causing problems, though. How is your water intake?

    Oh and of course, you should DEFINITELY not give up and be the pudgy one if the family. That will not do! You want more for yourself than that, I know it!
  • brenda_allport
    The best breakfast on the go that I found was ego waffles. They are reasonable in calories and very fast to prep. I usually pop them in the toaster while I am getting my coffee ready and stuff gathered. By time I am ready to walk out the door the toaster has popped up and I can go with a healthy breakfast. I eat them plain as there is no time for syrup and butter which is also a healthy food choice. The best thing is that there are so many flavors and none of them taste like the box!! There is also the option of ego pancakes and french toast.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Instant oatmeal with a T of dried cranberries ir bluberries is my favorite "desk" breakfast after I get to work. around 200 calories and it really keeps me full till lunch. If traveling I eat a special k bar with a pice of fruit abd LOTS of water. Keep the faith!
  • kassied09
    A bowl of cereal (1 1/2 - 2 cups depending on the cereal: honey cheerios, special k, fiber one, etc) with skim milk is about 250-350 calories. If you are on the low end eat an apple or some kind of fruit with it and it is balanced, healthy, and can help you with your cheese problem if you go for ones with higher fiber! Also, my mom swears by smart ones breakfast burritos (egg sausage and cheese) with 270 calories or lean pockets (ham sausage and cheese) with 270 calories. Once again, and fruit and your good to go :D

    Remember we are all here for you and you are doing great! Keep your chin up :D
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I have an orange and 2 fried eggs for breakfast most days. It's super quick and is about 235 calories. Add in a glass of OJ, and you have a 400ish calorie breakfast along with a huge dose of potassium!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I looked at your food diary a bit and am thinking if you add more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet you will be able to counteract the problem cheese is giving you. Apples, cherries, plums are all good for "cleansing". Fresh veggies also give you the fiber you need to "push" things through. Of course drink plenty of water
    For breakfast I usually eat fruit or yogurt. I am not much of a breakfast person, though. I'm told eggs are a good filler that also keep you going until lunch
    Remember this is a life style change, not a temporary fix, so while you may not see the exact results you want immediately, you will get them as you continue on your healthy way...no need to accept defeat!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    I am always on the go for work too and I love my fruit/granola parfaits!!! ---100 cal yogurt with some type of granola in a snack bag so I can mix it when I'm ready to eat it. It's about 200-225 cal depending on how much granola you prefer and maybe another 40-50 cal for fresh fruit. Hope that helps :)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    One breakfast that I like is a whole wheat English muffin with peanut or almond butter, and some Greek yogurt. I figure if you have time for the bagel and cream cheese, you can do the English muffin with peanut butter. Yogurt can easily be taken to work and eaten there. Depending on the type of yogurt, this usually comes out between 350 - 400 calories.
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    I'm a fan of all things in a cup for breakfast...
    1. Put it egg beaters in a coffee cup and toss in some salsa, shredded lunchmeat, cheese if you can tolerate it, milk if you need to add some calories, and whatever else you can think of - and microwave for 30-45 seconds - and then you are ready!

    2. Oatmeal - I've been on a huge oatmeal kick, using non packet oatmeal - and adding syrup or brown sugar or some jelly for flavor.

    3. cereal in a cup - add some milk and go

    4. blenderize a smoothie the night before and in you are ready to go right away in the morning. - fruit, milk, ect

    Hope that helps!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Do you have access to a microwave?

    At least twice a week, I bring in oatmeal and some mix-ins. I use 2% milk instead of water and it ends up being between 350-400 calories. There was a Peanut Butter & chocolate recipe on the message board here that came out to 493 calories. Made with water and only one tbsp of pb you could get it down to 325.

    It has been awhile but I bought this bowl in Target, that is separate into compartments for the cereal, mix in and milk. It even had an ice ring to keep the milk cold and it came with a spoon.

    Skinnytaste.com had a zucchini chocolate bread that is 174 calories, I pair that with an apple and yogurt.

    I have been packing my lunch & breakfast for the week making my mornings a lot easier too.

    Good luck!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I eat oatmeal almost every morning, add in mixed dried berries, 1 T. brown sugar and 3T. GG Fiber. Less than 300 cal and plenty of fiber.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Instant oatmeal eaters....I like that it's 130 calories (or around there depending on flavour) but I haven't eaten much because I was under the assumption it is sky high in sugar. Is that so? (I guess I *should* just get up and check the box. Lazy moment. :oP)