Hypnotherapy and weight loss

Hi peeps

I am seriously struggling with y weight loss journey. Following a hysterectomy my weight has climbed up and up. I am exercising and watching what I am eating but getting no where. I have been tested for underactive thyroid diabetes and loads of other things but all came back within limits.

I am wonderingif it is ust my mind set as I am so tired all the time and lack motivation. I eat very little during the day and find I get home late and then eat the wrong things but I am always in my calories. I am not sure if I should stick to MFP recommendations or customise the daily amounts.

I have read some good reviews and reports on hypnotherapy and wondered if anyone here has any advice.



  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Hypnotherapy may help with your motivation to eat healthily and exercise, but ultimately it is down to you. Feeling tired all the time is horrid and it makes it so difficult to eat healthily and exercise so if you think hypnotherapy may help you with this then it is worth a try. I use self-hypnosis for insomnia and it really works.

    Personally I have found that since I have started eating more healthily on most days (lots of fresh fruit and veg, lean protein etc) I have had more energy and been able to exercise. The more I exercise and eat healthily, the more energy I seem to have. It sounds like you need a little help getting started so why not try the hypnotherapy. Good luck with it. I really hope it works for you :flowerforyou:
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    It's all about the practitioner. I have heard about some amazing results, so I gave it a go, but my hypnotherapist was rubbish. I have had success with other hypnotherapy (mainly insomnia and depression). Find someone through recommendations otherwise you'll pay a load of money for a nice nap.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I really think it's worth a try! The mind is very powerful, it might just be the thing to flip a switch and help you develop healthier habits. I say give it a try!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I hypnotized a chicken one time. True story.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I had success in the past from hypnotherapy. Im not sure if its the placebo effect or if it really works but who cares if it makes you feel more in control.

    I had a really good therapist and each time i came out i just thought how delicious fruit and vegetables looked. I think it can help to get you on track. It helped me previously with emotional eating. This time im starting over but i havent put that weight on that i lost at that time.
  • tammierich
    Thanks guys x

    I think I might give it a go. If it helps with my mind set and motivation it is a worth a go.
  • HappyLuna
    Definitely give it a go. My mum is a hypnotherapist and I used hypnotherapy for weightloss, childbirth, boasting confidence. It really does help. It helps you clear your mind of the things that might be holding you book. Most hypnotherapists offer free consultations. I would meet with a few, see who you trust and click with and go from there.

    Best of luck xxx
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    It was hynotherapy that started me on my whole journey and I'm still here over a year later 47lb lighter and still pretty motivated so I'm convinced that it worked for me. Give it a go.

    Good luck
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    If you are tired all the time and lack motivation, I would get a second opinion on your thyroid (TSH) levels. Within range where? At the high end of normal or normal? I have been on thyroid meds for about 12 years and without them I almost physically cannot function. I am exhausted no matter how much rest I get. If this sounds like what is going on with you then I would get a second opinion.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Did it start to talk..."Why did this human cross the road?".... I can hear the laughter, buck, buck, buck....
    I hypnotized a chicken one time. True story.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I've been watching "Supersize Superskinny" and the gal that tests all kinds of fad diet ideas found that Hynotherapy was the only thing that actually worked for her. Good luck!
  • tammierich
    thanks lisafred24. I might do that. My mum has always been borderline and has put on so much weight over the years. My nan had thyroid problems too.

    Thanks Happyluna shame your mum is so far away. I have contacted two so far but still waiting to hear back from them.
  • turpz
    turpz Posts: 21 Member
    Definitely give it a go. My mum is a hypnotherapist and I used hypnotherapy for ... boasting confidence. It really does help.

    Slightly off topic but I'm interested in the confidence side, did it really make a difference for this? I really suffer with self confidence and have wondered about hypnotherapy before
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member
    I eat very little during the day and find I get home late and then eat the wrong things but I am always in my calories.

    Your answer ^^^
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    What would be an estimated cost for a hypnotherapy session?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    What would be an estimated cost for a hypnotherapy session?

    275$ You can pm your credit card info.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yeah? But then they have dinosaur brains and don't have a cool tin foil cap to protect them from marauding hypnotists. :bigsmile: