Third time's a charm...?

I started on this site back in 2009, then in early 2010 and both times due to big changes, moves and plenty of work demands, i let it all go. To my chagrin, I'm starting back to the page 22 lbs heavier than my last checkin a year ago.

I'm back in Canada again for a year and on a sort of Sabbatical. I'm hoping that as I take the time to focus get serious about my physical condition as well as a couple of other goals outside of the normal demands of my challenging career that I'll establish some serious habits, lose some seriou weight and develop a new, more healthy and focussed me.

Before starting into this, realizing that caffeine had a negative effect on me (increased stress) I eliminated caffeine from my diet about a year ago. Recently I came to the conclusion on my own that my innocent "sweet tooth" was more than that and that I had developed a huge addiction to sugar. I am a sugarholic. I've been 2 months now with near no added sugar or sweets to my eating which should help in making healthy choices.

Now to apply daily low-impact cardio, weight training and perhaps even a weekly yoga class or two and to get back on counting calories. I'm convinced the only way that this is going to work is if I remain faithful to the counting. It's amazing how much I can eat without even knowing it when I dont' track the intake.

It's rare to get this sort of break -from-real-life opportunity so I'm going to make the most of it over the next 9 months.

224 lbs targeting 165 lbs (~60 lb loss) in 8 months.


  • sandhillcrane
    You can do it!! This site has been great for me. I have lots of buddies to keep me motivated and that really helps! I have never logged everything before and I can see the benefits now. It works! Congrats on the decision to improve your life! I am sending you a friend request. :))
  • AlbertWong
    AlbertWong Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!!! Friend request Accepted :)
  • Janette212
    wow..all I can say after reading your post is..' I'm really not alone afterall..though I'm fairly new to this program I've deleted my account 3 times because I couldn't stand to see how much I would gain instead of lose when I fell off of my program. It helped me to lose 10 lbs in less than 2 months on my last account and I was estatic ..untill my reward for the weight loss ( a break from the program) easily put those 10 lbs back on plus a friendly 2.5 more....alllll badddd!!! I love sweets as well and though they can be enjoyed in moderation I realize how easily I can over indulge in a sweetfest if I am not careful. It's all about control..faithful calorie counting and devotion to acheving our goal of a healthier lifestyle. You can do it... We can do it!!! With this being my 3rd profile I'm determined to stay committed this time and ride it through all the way...but I'll tell ya ..i sure do miss my junk food at times :) great luck to you and ur success!!!
  • prendy1977
    Hi Albert,

    Caffeine and two vices. I get where you are coming from. Good luck mate, i'm sure you can do it this time. I'm sending you a friend request as well.
