New here and need community


I am trying to lose 40 lbs but I keep binge eating. I'm hoping MFP helps me be more aware of what I am eating. I was hoping to have some friends to motivate me and vice versa.


  • Pridepup
    Pridepup Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I have the same problem! One thing that has helped me is looking at my calories per meal and finding what empty calories (like processed food and sugars) I have that I can get rid of with healthier options that we’ll keep me full longer and give me better nutrients. I also look at the calories to see when I’m binge eating and adjust as needed. Lastly, I am training myself to only eat when I actually feel a hunger pang and only eating until I’m satiated instead of full. In between I drink a lot of water to keep me full and add hydration. What are some of the times when you binge eat?