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Inviting Fast food places & Restaurants

I have made this profile, just to make our menu from "Flip The Burger".

I think it should be made easier for companies and places to make their menus in here.

That would make it much easier for people to eat out, and not feel bad about not tracking the calories.
6 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    Great idea. I appreciate you wanted to get accurate info into the database.
  • rwarren1969
    rwarren1969 Posts: 20 Member
    I can;t click to vote on this one, but I agree.
  • sarahb8388
    sarahb8388 Posts: 30 Member
    Agreed! Would be super helpful since so many people eat takeout.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,417 MFP Staff
    Thank you for your interest in having your company's information on our database! We hope to have a better way to submit recipes in the database in the future!