30/F/4’11”/95lbs Trying to gain weight.

Hello, I’m Marie and I’m working to get my weight from 95lbs to 120lbs. I have little muscle mass and little fat. Im hoping to start seeing a nutritionalist soon but this app is my first step towards my goal. Heaviest I’ve been was 150 at the end of my pregnancy. Im currently 19.2 on the female BMI chart, low end of healthy. I have nearly no curves besides having a small mid section. I’m packing on healthy calories and have a moderate to active lifestyle as a stay at home mom with a small farm. After getting to 110lbs I’d like to start letting weights again so shape and tone my body to how I’d like it to be. I don’t have the energy to workout right now and even existing is exhausting. I’d love to connect with other women on the same goal track as myself and bonus if they are also mothers.


  • rdgcf8bnk9
    rdgcf8bnk9 Posts: 1 Member
    I too, struggle with weight gain.
    I weigh 83, goal is 110.
    22 yrs old, 4’11.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm headed the opposite way from you goals-wise, just stopping by here to wish you good luck and also recommend that you look for a registered dietitian to talk to about food - any idiot can call himself a nutritionist, you want someone with actual credentials. RDs actually have to like, go to school and get a license to practice under that title.
  • TheSaladDodger83
    TheSaladDodger83 Posts: 28 Member
    It’s tough trying to gain weight when your body has programmed itself to stay slender and petite. I was the same up until my mid 20’s, but it was a change in work and daily activities that brought it on. Are you in an active job? Is your calorie intake above the daily recommended?