I'm back!

Just checking in to let everyone know I'm back. Not really new to MFP. But newly returned. Got out of shape during COVID. Became a hermit. Ate wrong and no exercise. Got bigger than I ever was. I'm down 20lbs now with at least 20 to go. I'm a personal trainer so I know WHAT to do. It's just a matter of doing it. Anyone who would like to be friends, please feel free to send a request. Just put your MFP name and I will accept. We can do this together!


  • Karinashine
    Karinashine Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!! This is my second week! I used to be an intuitive eater and that didn’t work out good for me. This time I am here with a realistic yet positive outlook in search of more friends to continue this journey together! 👋🏼👋🏼😊