Bad Weekend

I had a bad weekend. Ate about 2600 calories a day in junk. I don't know what got into me, but I need a fresh and strict start. I have a wedding to attend in 5 weeks and I have to drop like 5 pounds to fit in my dress more comfortably. Any tips? I eat 1200-1400 calories a day and weight lift or cardio for 30-45 minutes a day. Though, I usually loose 1 lb per 3 or 4 weeks. I try to eat small meals every 3 hours, but that still doesnt kick my metabolism up enough.


  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    Just do your best to remember that each day is a new start. Start back with the workouts and the lower will reach your goals. Good luck
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Do some cardio everyday (notice I say SOME) - anything from a 15-30 minute run to an hour long walk. Anything, really. Weight lifting is great - that'll boost your metabolism.

    EAT A BIG BREAKFAST!!!! I eat cereal or oatmeal everyday, throw some fruit into eat, eggs every morning, and then some more fruit. It's been proven that people who eat big breakfasts with eggs in the mornings have a tendancy not to over eat or snack during the rest of the day.

    Just be really strict with your diet. Don't grocery shop on an empty stomach, don't wait to eat if you have a schedule. If you start getting hungry, have a snack.

    EAT YOUR WORKOUT CALORIES. After workouts, what your body needs are carbs and sugar. The best thing to have is milk (lactose free or soy if you can't have regular me, lol).

    Essentially, eat and keep up your workouts. =D And when you're at that point in your workout where you're like "I can't do it anymore!" just keep reminding yourself of that dress you want to fit into!
  • dreeminbigg
    Don't sweat it! Everyone has their bad days. Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were mine :tongue:

    First off, don't beat yourself up over this. Yes, you've had a bad weekend. So what can you do about it now? Nothing. I mean, you can't take it back, can you? You can't go back in time (although I really wish we all could do that!) and fix it. So the only thing left is to move forward. Eat normally tomorrow and drink lots of water. Don't eat less than 1200-1400 calories just because you think it'll reverse the damage - it doesn't work that way. Eat healthy, balanced meals all throughout the day. Another suggestion would be to maybe set out exercise clothes, sneakers, and your iPod in your bathroom right now so when you go to the bathroom in the morning, that's the first thing you'll see. Then maybe you could go running or walking early in the morning. It sounds horrible now, but you'll thank yourself for it later.

    Good luck! And remember, the slower the weight loss, the more permanent it is :wink:
  • caseyla12

    Good luck! And remember, the slower the weight loss, the more permanent it is :wink:

    I like that quote. :)
    And thanks! Today was better.