New and have 80 pounds to shed.

Hey, I am Katy and I am a 20 year old college student. I am hoping to shed 80 pounds by the end of this school year in May. I know this may be a bit extreme but I am confident that with hard work and motivation I can do this. I just really want to come back my senior year and be healthy and happy. I want to look great when I graduate from college. I am officially starting this journey tomorrow 9/19/2011.


My goal is to be down to 135-140ish. My mini goal is is 175, so 40 pounds to lose to meet my halfway goal.

And, if anyone else here has similar goals or would like to have a support system feel free to add me. :)


  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    80 pounds in that timeframe might be too much. Set intermediate goals. ie: starting weight XXX, weight by Halloween: xxx, weight by ChristmasXXX, weight by March 15: xxx.

    Remember to lose weight it is not consuming less calories alone, it is weights, cardio and overall better nutrition. Remember it is important to protein every 2.5 to 3 hours. Good luck on your journey. It will be worth it! Let us know how you are doing!!
  • well I hope this will for for me as well i am 145 and i want to be like 120 so hoping this is actually going to work
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    welcome :D i know u can do it :D u may add me if u needs a frand :D
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I feel like I'm reading my life story from a few months ago. You can absolutely do this! I'm starting out my senior year healthier and smaller than ever!
  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome! I started at 235 with 85 pounds to lose (goal of 150). I've currently been working on it about the same length of time you have until the end of your school year, and I've lost 50 so far.

    You may get to your goal by then and you may not, but I will tell you that even though I still have 35 pounds to lose, I still feel soooo much healthier and better about the way I look right now than I did in January!!!

    So even if you end up thinking you aren't gonna lose 80 pounds by the end of the year, don't let that stop you from getting started. The sooner you begin, the faster you WILL get there. Whenever that may be. And you will feel better all along the way. :-)
  • i am in the exact same boat, but i was inspired by my friend who did just that!!! sooo keep up the good hard work and it will defiantly work out :) good luck!!!
  • Hey,
    I just now signed up and have almost the exact same story. I have an important wedding to go to in a year and a week and if I could loose the 75-80 pounds that I want to I will be thrilled. Maybe we can help each other out?
  • I know that it's not just calories alone. I have a free gym membership supplied at my university that I plan to start using. I know my time frame is a bit ambitious but if I lose 2-3 a week I can achieve the weight loss I want in that time frame. I wrote a whole article in the school paper about healthy weight loss vs unhealthy weight loss binges so I am aware of how to go about this and I don't expect to lose exactly what I am wanting in 7 months but I wanted to set that goal so I can keep my focus on what I am trying to achieve. I would be totally fine with just meeting my half way mark in 7 months of losing 40 pounds, but I do really appreciate your feed back and advice so thank you. :)
  • I'm in the same boat. 80 lbs. to lose. Do your best to get it under control before you are my age. I will root for you.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    this site works because it helps train you to use EXERCISE and fitness as a means to lose weight.

    I lost 26 pounds in 4 months by essentially training and improving my fitness, increasing my cardio health along the way.

    Take the focus off the weight loss and put the focus on your movement and fitness - that is the golden secret that everybody wants to learn. It works, I have many friends along with myself who are testament to it.
  • I'm in the same boat. 80 lbs. to lose. Do your best to get it under control before you are my age. I will root for you.
  • I just signed up today too and I would be thrilled to lose 30 pounds . My start date is 9/19/11 as well . I pray that I acn stick to this. Good luck to you. My niece is getting married in May so that is my target as well.
  • I am on a mission to become healthier myself. I have about 65 lbs to shed. I am alot older than you (49), but I want to be healthier and I am trying to avoid having to take meds for diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Good luck on your journey! It is nice to have friends to encourage! We can do this.... we just have to stick with it! I am finding that it is helping just by keeping a journal of what I am eating. MFP is really taking all the hassle out of counting calories too! I have only been doing it for 5 days, but it is so easy (the journaling part). I love that I can do it by cell or on the computer! Good Luck!
  • Thanks so much for all the support. I feel like this site is going to make this journey easier and more fulfilling.
  • Hey, I have a similar boat!! I have 27 pds to shed by Jan. What workouts have you been doing?
  • Good luck! 80 is a lot to loose but you'll eventually get there if you stay motivated. August 2010 i was 215 after i had my youngest and by his 1st birthday i was back to 155, but i still have 35-40 more lbs i want to loose by my 26th birthday which is the first week of april.
  • Bullieholiday
    Bullieholiday Posts: 51 Member
    I'm right there with you! i'm about 240 with a goal of 160. i also just started too so feel free to add me if you want.
  • Well we can do this. :)