Just getting Started

Hi all - just dropping in to say 'hello'.

This is one of many attempts to adopt a healthier lifestyle and start taking care of ME! I've always failed but adopted the saying.. . . 'youve never failed til you stopped trying'. Ive been trying for 22 years and have about 50lbs to loose.

Any support or tips very gratefully received and if anyone is looking for a 'fitness buddy' - I'm available.



  • sjk644
    sjk644 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Luck Sal.
  • davidpm
    davidpm Posts: 208 Member
    My tip is to commit yourself to log your calories EVERY DAY for all meals for 30 days. It will seem tedious at first.

    I started and stopped this part a few times. When I forced myself to log this last time, it became a habit and now I couldn't NOT do it. Nutrition is really the most critical part of weight loss and you will learn so much about what you eat by keeping a log.
  • Hi there Sal. Good for you for picking a healthy way to lose weight. I've done the calorie-planning method before and lost 25 lbs.! I then had a baby and gained it all back and am currently working on losing it again. This system works. You just have to burn more calories than you consume each day/week. My advice to you having experience doing this is to still eat the food you crave because if you don't, you won't stick with it. Just be aware of how many calories you're consuming. Matter of fact, you don't even have to exercise to lose the weight if you don't want to. Exercising just allows you to either burn the weight faster or to allow you to eat more calories each day. You know you're dieting right if you're not going over your calorie goal each day, but you still feel satiated and satisfied and not deprived and hungry. I've also learned that if I go for more than 4 hours without eating, I tend to overeat. Plus, going too long without food will slow down your metabolism. So, consider eating 4 or more times per day instead of 3 big meals.

    Plan out how many times you're going to eat that day and about how many calories you want to consume each meal and listen to your body and you will reach your goal!!! Good luck!
  • you can do it . do it for yourself first. Don't forget to log on everyday. don't put your goal higher than one pound a week. I had about 35 to 40 pounds to lose. I started myfitnesspal in april and I lost 19 pounds already, I love this site. Don't forget your water... and don't forget to treat yourself to a little something once in a while to reward your self.

    take care, and I know you can do it.
  • thanks - I need all the luck I can get - mixed with plenty of willpower. I can resist anything - but temptation.

    Just reading above - you are all doing so well - I already have inspriation in these message - Cheers x
  • Hey!! I'll totally be your fitness buddy!