Hello to all!!!

weevrr0 Posts: 6
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I've never actually posted on one of these before. So here goes nothing. I have been working on loosing weight for years. You know the yo yo effect. Well now I am serious. I have been working out 3 days a week at a center called HIT (High Intesity Tranning). It's a one on one programe and it kicks butt. All of the men and women who train me are young and in shape, and I don't mean round. So I decided if I were really going to do it I would actually have to eat the right amount as well. I was never very good at keeping trac of what I eat,I always just said well Im only haveing this and only haveing that. So for the last few days I have been keeping track on paper and was doing prety good staying within my measely 1100 Cal per day. Well I came accross this super web site and I'm loving it already. Simply put in the food you eat and it calculates caleries for me. WOW :love: I Love it.

I am really looking forward to loosing weight. getting in shape, feeling and looking better.

So good luck to all of you out there I hope you all reach your goals as I work to reach mine.


  • I've never actually posted on one of these before. So here goes nothing. I have been working on loosing weight for years. You know the yo yo effect. Well now I am serious. I have been working out 3 days a week at a center called HIT (High Intesity Tranning). It's a one on one programe and it kicks butt. All of the men and women who train me are young and in shape, and I don't mean round. So I decided if I were really going to do it I would actually have to eat the right amount as well. I was never very good at keeping trac of what I eat,I always just said well Im only haveing this and only haveing that. So for the last few days I have been keeping track on paper and was doing prety good staying within my measely 1100 Cal per day. Well I came accross this super web site and I'm loving it already. Simply put in the food you eat and it calculates caleries for me. WOW :love: I Love it.

    I am really looking forward to loosing weight. getting in shape, feeling and looking better.

    So good luck to all of you out there I hope you all reach your goals as I work to reach mine.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome and I look forward to reading more from and about you!
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    You made the right steps so far and I hope that the site calculates that you should be taking in more than 1100 calories a day. Good Luck.
  • Well thank you for the vote of confedence that I might get more than 1100 Cal. But low and behlod It is that bad. LOL I actually get 1200. heheheh But that will have to do for now. Who knows maybe soon I will get more. but for now I need to do what this site and others in the know, know in order to make any progress at all. Looking forward to loosing lots.

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