Need to add more Protein into my diet.

Bengree Posts: 12
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
Really getting into going on long bike rides after work, where I average a burn of 1250 kcals.
Afterwards I find I'm lacking in protein, from 75-25g off my RDA.
Short of making a bacon omelet every day to add a bit more protein I feel that there must be a better way, the only way I can think is protein shakes and I don't want to build mussel mass just get the right amount to repair my mussels after a work out, any recommendations or alternatives?


  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Eating more protein doesn't give you muscle mass.

    Protein shakes are a great way to get more protein in, and there are many different types and brands. I use a raw vegan protein (brown rice protein), but most people seem to use whey.
  • Chicken, Turkey, Tuna, Nuts are some of the things i try to add some protein.
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    Protein shakes are a quick and easy way to get more protein in. In and of themselves they will not cause muscle mass to build. I like to make mine into a smoothie with frozen berries.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    Protein Shakes will not build muscle...they will give your muscles the fuel you need to have them break down and repair...I actually take my shakes before I work out and get extra boost of energy..I use GNC double chocolate powder....I mix with water instead of using milk to save on the calories...It was the only way I found to really get enough protein in the day ( I actaully aim to exceed my protein and fiber every day :)...other than that any kind of fish, tuna, haddock, salmon and of course chicken are easy go toos...Dont be afraid of the shake, I have not put on muscle mass...
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Really getting into going on long bike rides after work, where I average a burn of 1250 kcals.
    Afterwards I find I'm lacking in protein, from 75-25g off my RDA.
    Short of making a bacon omelet every day to add a bit more protein I feel that there must be a better way, the only way I can think is protein shakes and I don't want to build mussel mass just get the right amount to repair my mussels after a work out, any recommendations or alternatives?

    Protein shakes won't give you more muscle mass. The only way to gain muscle is to eat a surplus of calories and to train with a very specific weight training routine.

    Protein shakes are a great way to supplement protein. I suggest going to a natural foods store to find one that isn't made with artificial sweeteners.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    The foods I eat to increase my protein are quinoa, sacha inchi (a powdered form of the most protein rich plant), LSA (linseed, sunflower seeds and almonds grinded down), other nuts, fish and seafood, and sometimes protein bars after a big workout as I am into endurance sport. There are quite a variety of organic natural based products out there you just have to do some shopping around.

    I agree with the above comment - eating protein doesn't make you bulky. From what I understand you have to work very hard to achieve that sort of bulkiness and it doesn't happen "accidentally".
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I eat eggs most morning for breakfast. I tried greek yogurt today but wasn't a fan. I have a sandwich or a salad with meat or something else containing protein for lunch. I generally have protein shakes for my afternoon snack. I then have a large-ish serving of meat for dinner.
  • Eating optimal protein 1 gram per lb of lbm is beneficial to endurance athletes as much as strength trained athletes. How you stimulate the tissue will determine growth, but as a bike rider I'd remind you that Lance Armstrong's legs aren't exactly small. I know rowing increased the sides of my legs too.
  • as others have said, protein powder alone doesn't make you build muscle. You have to be in a caloric surplus, and be providing the right kind of training stimulus to achieve more muscle mass. Protein powder makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to meet my protein demands (1g/ lb of bodyweight).
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Some days the only way I meet my protien requirement is with shakes. Sorry, I'm no help.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Ground turkey chili. Or maybe ground chicken. It's packed with protein and filling. Recipes vary, but 1 cup usually packs 300-400 calories and is packed with protein. I also like making saurkraut with turkey sausage. Add a little brown sugar and a touch of ragu sauce. Again, low cal, lots of protein.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I would do nuts, greek yogurts, etc.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Protein shakes in themselves aren't going to make you bulky if you're tracking your calories. It's actually kind of hard to get bulky in a caloric deficit. To really pack on the muscle mass you need a caloric surplus.
  • Wasn't exspecting such a response, thanks every one.
    It's not like I'm not getting my protein, I get a good 100-120g a day, which when i don't bike ride and just do my 8.5 hours of Carpentry work I exceed my RDA by about 10-30g, but when I bike ride, MFP puts up my RDA of Protein to about 150-170g+ and that's when I can't reach it with out major pigging out on egg, dairy and meat (worst combo: tuna, mozzarella, bacon, pepperoni, onion and pepper omelet) that's the average after a work out and still miss the Protien RDA.
    The main reason I was worrying about gaining mad muscle mass was a forum I read, where body builders use Proteim shakes to reach 300% of their RDA of Protein to aid in muscle growth.
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