North to South equals weight gain...

Hey there. I've been here before and lost almost 40 pounds. Then I moved to Houston, TX. One of the fattest cities in the US. I've gained half the weight back that I lost. The shopping spree I went on before I left Pittsburgh now sits in my closet, untouched because nothing fits me anymore. So I need friends, motivators, people that aren't afraid to tell me, HEY that diary is crap. You can do better than that and YOU KNOW YOU CAN! So please please help me get back to where I was!!!



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    if you aren't afraid of the truth, feel free to add me as a friend!! i know their is a skinny person inside of you looking to get out!!!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I am a GRIT...Girl Raised In the South......yes Southern cooking is very yummy, but oh so bad for us. I am looking to lose about 55 more pounds and it's not always easy. Feel free to add me if you like, we all need support.
  • rrrbecca11
    I am from Alabama, 54 years old, 5'7" and 120 pounds on a heavy day and I LOVE to cook. So please don't blame your weight gain on the South. :) No matter where you live in this country, there is going to be yummy food. It comes down to self-discipline, learning about nutrition, and keeping a good physical fitness program going. You can do it. :)
  • karenx30
    Hey Chicka! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm in Texas too!!
  • vkahlenberg
    vkahlenberg Posts: 21 Member
    I've lived here and there, currently in SE TX. I don't necessarily think it is the food that makes the south fat. I think it is more the fact that most of us won't leave our air conditioned caves for the 9 months of summer to get any physical activity. Not everybody, but way too many of us. Our community has a pool, and it was empty most of the time all summer, because the kids in the neighborhood won't set foot outside, or their caretakers won't. It really is nasty outside in the summer. :-/
  • rrrbecca11
    I've lived here and there, currently in SE TX. I don't necessarily think it is the food that makes the south fat. I think it is more the fact that most of us won't leave our air conditioned caves for the 9 months of summer to get any physical activity. Not everybody, but way too many of us. Our community has a pool, and it was empty most of the time all summer, because the kids in the neighborhood won't set foot outside, or their caretakers won't. It really is nasty outside in the summer. :-/

    It is almost unbearably hot here in Alabama in the summer, too. My walking partner and I got up @ 5-5:30 am and were on the road by 6 am to beat the heat. There are always work-arounds if you commit to something. "Where there's a will, there's a way." Too many of us make excuses over and over, as meanwhile, precious time slips by and our habits still have not changed.
  • vkahlenberg
    vkahlenberg Posts: 21 Member

    It is almost unbearably hot here in Alabama in the summer, too. My walking partner and I got up @ 5-5:30 am and were on the road by 6 am to beat the heat. There are always work-arounds if you commit to something. "Where there's a will, there's a way." Too many of us make excuses over and over, as meanwhile, precious time slips by and our habits still have not changed.

    You are right. :-) I started taking my kids out an hour or so before sundown for bike rides & walks & swims.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I've lived here and there, currently in SE TX. I don't necessarily think it is the food that makes the south fat. I think it is more the fact that most of us won't leave our air conditioned caves for the 9 months of summer to get any physical activity. Not everybody, but way too many of us. Our community has a pool, and it was empty most of the time all summer, because the kids in the neighborhood won't set foot outside, or their caretakers won't. It really is nasty outside in the summer. :-/
    I'm in Oklahoma and I agree wholeheartedly. This summer was especially brutal. It can actually be dangerous to be outside doing anything strenuous when its over 100 degrees out. I grew up in Michigan. There summer is the time to get out and move, ride bikes, go to the lake. Not saying either state is better, just saying this is one of the downsides of living here.
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I also just moved from North to South. NJ to GA. I am hoping to keep losing while I am down here. Add me as a friend if you want!
  • vsharkey
    vsharkey Posts: 20 Member
    I'm new here too, and I live in New Orleans. If ever there was a city with unhealthier (but delicious!) food and obnoxiously hot weather, I have yet to find it. Feel free to add me!
  • texastae1010
    I did the opposite of you I moved from Houston Texas to Indiana and did about the same thing you did gained weight back that I had already lost...I don't think it has anything to do with where you are at meaning I am not blaming it on Indiana ...I did it...a move, lack of friends, etc lead to me eating the lbs back on

    On the flip side everyone talking about the lack of activity due to the heat I felt that way last winter here with snow, ice, etc. I had no desire to be out and about for many months (and it wasn't the winters fault either many days I could have still made it to the gym) lol

    and per this article

    Lexington, Ky is the fattest followed by Indianapolis, In lol...heck I thought my hometown got its act together lol