
I am new to this site and I want to loose about 50 pounds to start out. I was wondering if you all could give me some helathy ideas for breakfast and lunch? And any pointers on what you do after you eat a small portion and are still hungry?


  • theberg
    I won't answer about healthy food because everyone has a different answer. I will say that because my work schedule is so odd I've found cold water to be a great way to kill off a hunger pang until I have a more appropriate time to deal with it.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I had the same issue, I have noticed that omelets help. Three eggs, lite sour cream and salsa. Double fiber bread, peanut butter and sugar free jelly. Then a hot glass of tea or coffee and a glass of water to trick ny stomach into feeling full. After a few days, you will start to feel satisfied .
  • shirleyrghtnbrg
    Thanks for the advise I need all of the help I can get.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The two golden tips I'll give to anyone:

    1) Educate yourself. Read your food labels. Know your BMR. You'll shock yourself at some of the things you used to eat when you actually look at the calories!

    2) Don't cut anything out. Just eat what you want in moderation. If you start saying no to things, you'll find yourself craving them more, making this much harder. Also don't consider it a diet, think of it as an actual lifestyle change.

    Good luck! :D