Post pregnancy weight loss

I had my second daughter 5 months ago and was really lucky as I managed to keep my weight gain on track.
I lost 5 stone before falling pregnant and managed to keep the weight off for about 2 years. I went from 76.5 kg to 94kg during my pregnancy. Mostly as I couldn't move for nearly 4 months. I used to run long distance every other day before falling pregnant.
I managed to get my fitness back since my C-section in October and focused on eating better, however they weight just won't shift. I walk every day a minimum of 5km. On some days it can be up to 15km. I try to do a 5 km run twice a week to gradually start getting my fitness back ( I used to do half marathons) and started doing weights about 4 weeks ago. I go to the gym about 3-4 days a week in the evenings. I am currently 87kg.
I honestly have no idea where I am going wrong. Any advice would be much appreciated. 🙂


  • BrookeNicole888
    BrookeNicole888 Posts: 12 Member

    I just had my first child and have similar stats to you. Are you breastfeeding? As soon as my Dr cleared me for exercise, I was determined to get the weight off. I started working out, walking and counting calories. The weight was very, very slow to come off. I also noticed working out and counting calories decreased my milk supply.

    I made the decision to focus on nourishing my child and I would lose the weight once I weaned him. A little over a year later, I weaned my baby and have finally been able to lose the weight! The first two months of watching what I eat and exercising, I’m already down a pant size and 9kg. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • MoniqueDixon1635
    MoniqueDixon1635 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi @BrookeNicole888,

    I did in the beginning but had to stop 6 weeks after giving birth. It's just so frustrating as I watch what I eat and stick to my calories.
    I physically couldn't do anymore exercise without burning out.
    I am pleased you are able to lose the weight but focused on yourself and little one first.