Plateau or not? I thought being in your 20s was easy to lose

I'm 21 and have tried for 3 years to lose weight. I wanted to lose 50 pounds since I went off to college and it's my last year and I still have about 20 more lbs or more to go. I use to be a runner and have been doing since I was 6.. I run to get the exercise but no matter what it seems I am still stuck... I honestly thought it would be easy to lose since people encouraged me that it would be easy because I am 21 and this is the time to lose te weight. As I have said before it's been 3 years! And 3 years of struggle! My wonderful MFP friends that I have so far has been giving me tips but just curious to see what tips other might have... If you are in the process of losing weight despite your age or goals or has lost weight, can you please share tips and advice on nutrition and exercise that has been working for you. I would really appreciate it. Thank you :)


  • sandrawmorris
    sandrawmorris Posts: 4 Member
    Have you had a full checkup at at the doctor? There might be something medically wrong if you are exercising and watching what you eat and still not losing weight. Just my opinion. I am 51 and this year my horror-mones went crazy. I have never had a weight problem, but now I do. I am healthy, I do exercise and I believe my problem is more age related than anything, especially after my last checkup. So, I suggest you get a physical and blood work and go from there. Good luck!
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey! I know how you're feeling. I've had these last ~20 pounds to lose for about 4 years. I managed to lose about 10 of them last year by really watching what I ate. I made a weekly schedule (especially including snacks - they're my downfall) and made myself stick to it. By planning out my week in advance and writing down everything I was going to eat, it made it easier to make the right decisions. I definitely fell off the wagon this semester at college with all of the delicious, junky cafeteria foods and fast food places around campus, but hopefully I can get back to where I was before. Aside from my meal planning, I started doing the Power 90 system (the precursor to P90X - there is a P90 and P90M to work up to it). It helped me to have a set 30 minute workout to do everyday, 6 days a week. I knew exactly what I was going to be doing, how long it was going to take, and what kind of results to expect. I hope you find something that works for you!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My doctor says I'm taking all the right actions and is healthy and just need to get my weight back on track. I'm doing the tracking what I eat, eating within my calorie range, and exercising at least 4-5 times a week. Some say maybe my overly busy life is probably is what's effecting my slow weight loss, but I don't know if it's that. I am pretty active and involved in college and have a very busy strict schedule but for the most part I think I'm doing pretty good just no weight hasn't come off
  • I am so with you ladies. I am a marathon runner and in a healthy weight range and my body does not want to lose any more weight. I want to see how much faster I can run, weighing less but it is really difficult. I know I am at my set point because my body has stayed within the same 5 pounds for the past year with marathon training. I just eat back what I burn. So far I have lost 2 pounds below my set point with this website but it is SLOW going. Good luck. I am interested to see what others say too.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Aww i ran track my whole life up until I was 18. I wanted to run my first marathon this year but I am not ready. I will try again next year buy I really need help because I don't understand why I am not losing like I am suppose to.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I have heard, that lowering your calories is almost always the way to break a plateau, I actually think that netting 1200 is still eating too much for me (probably because I don't weigh my food, so there is probably error in my intake.
  • Check out this web
    You may just need a change in your workout or just add something to it. These workouts focus on speeding up your metabolism and there are some good diet tips also. Just keep working hard you are doing a good job!!!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Really??? My net is 1200 but I too think it's too much.. But I was told it's bad to lower your intake.. I consider dropping to 1000 to see if that would help. Should I?
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    I've been stuck for years too. It turns out I had Candidasis...not that the doctor told me. He said "my symptoms were inconclusive." I guess I'll just stay overweight and sick? Not happening. Luckily, I googled my symptoms and, eventually, figured things out.
    There's a lot of things that can hold people back that they just don't realize they have. If you've been doing all you can, I'd look into something like that.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Ok thanks! I will check out that website. I work so hard to not see much results.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that... I find it just unbelievable for me since I've always been very underweight/normal weight my whole life.. I do believe that after high school I stop running track and then I just gained like crazy.. I think my body was dependent on the rigorousness of running for years and to just stop like that made me gain weight.. I have lost some but I am not too sure why it's taking so long.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I try to net more like 1000 to keep the extra calories to make up for measurement error. There is no magic rule that your body will starve if you go below 1000, it depends entirely on your body. I've also heard that some people lose weight better restricting carbs even at the same net calories. I had about a month of not losing weight, I lowered my calorie intake a little and went down to 50% carbs and it seems to be working for me. Experiment and see if any modifications work for you. Make sure you sleep enough and drink enough water and keep trying!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    How do you calculate your burn calories?
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    i am the same, but i notice that when i dont get enough rest i dont lose any weight...also make sure you are eating regularly so your body doesnt go into starvation mode and start storing fat. try having apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning to kick start your metabolism and prepare your digestive system and eat brekky straight away :) sprinkling cinamon on your food helps the metabolism also. just a few things i do to boost the weightloss :) good luck
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Thanks for those tips. I will try it! I have went thru so many modifications to see what best fits me and my needs. But thank you all I will try all the great tips you all shared.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I don't think 1200 calories is enough for most people. It tends to be the intake recommended to very obese people to lose weight quickly, because they have so much to lose.

    But, for the rest of us, too much of a deficit for too long can really slow your metabolism down, regardless of your age. And to "undo" this can take quite a while, and your metabolism may never be back where it was. There are many things you can try in order to change this-- eat more, eat more often, increase strength training, zig-zag your calories (calorie cycling), don't have such a huge deficit, and, well, be patient. I think further decreasing your calorie intake is not a very good idea.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Eat more? I'm trying to prevent that.. I think my problem was eating alot lol And yea strength training I agree.. I've been told I should add that by numerous of people and my wonderil friends on MFP.. And I absolutely agree with you about being patient. I have for a very long time now and just wanted to know what is preventing me from losing drastic weight. Thank you for your advice :)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    You might want to open your diary so that we can give you some better advice
  • What are the other exercises you're doing aside from running? Also have you been eating the same as when you started? Because as we lose weight, our BMR gets lower so we need to adjust our calorie intake & either increase the intensity or number of reps of exercise or do another. If we keep on eating & exercising the same, our bodies eventually adapt to our diet & exercise. I heard that by keeping your body "guessing" by zigzaging your calorie intake & do variety of exercises on each day helps shake up your metabolism.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I have heard, that lowering your calories is almost always the way to break a plateau, I actually think that netting 1200 is still eating too much for me (probably because I don't weigh my food, so there is probably error in my intake.

    Actually it's increasing your calories to break a plateau.. not lowering them. You need to fuel your body.. not deprive it! Esp because OP only has 20 pounds left.. you need to be eating way more then 1200 calories. If you don't already. set your loss at a pound to a pound in a half a week and I think you'll see some changes.

    If you ate a lot in the past, but it was bad things.. yea you're going to gain weight. If you eat a lot but of clean healthy foods, then you're going to lose weight.

    As far as your exercise goes, I'd switch it up. If all you do is run, you're body is going to get used to that and stop losing weight. I'd try adding in weights, the elliptical, biking etc.. all to confuse your body and let it start losing again.