Leading ladies group (closed group)! Fourth week weigh in!

Good morning leading ladies!

I hope you are all doing well and that this week was all about further developing strategies that are aimed at helping us feel good on the inside and outside. I can't believe this is already week 4! One month in doing this together and banning together for one amazing goal: bringing out our own leading lady!! I am soo proud of each and every one of you because your taking the time and effort to do what u need to do for yourself.

This week I want us to reflect on two things: 1.) what does self-care mean and are we practicing enough of it and 2.) are we practicing the power of visualization?

Assignment 1: Weigh in

I weighed in at 204.2 loosing 1 lb for a total of 21 lbs. This week was difficult because I didn't see much loss during the week. Actually I would see some gain here and there and I have been eating well. I think I am retaining more water weight because my period is trying to start :( My guess is that until I get past my period my scale and I wont be on great terms lol.

Assignment 2: Reflection quote: Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

When I read this it reminds me that we have so much power over how we feel but often we forget it. We give that power to other people and hence why we often feel worse. We need to hold on to that power and never allow others to dictate how we feel. I know it can be difficult to bring that power back because we all feel great when we hear positive comments from others. However, some people choose to use that power to destroy others on purpose with negative, hateful comments. Don't allow others to have that power! Take it back and always hold on to it.

Assignment 3: Self- Care assessment

We can all agree that in trying to meet our weight loss goals we are looking at two important aspects: exercise and nutrition. This cannot merely be a diet or phase, however, it must transform into a new lifestyle for us. In working so hard in these two areas we can come to neglect other important areas that are crucial for our well being. I see examining our transformation as examining a new purse. If the bag is fabulous but the straps look horrible the final product will not be a total success. What are other areas that are crucial for your self- care and why? In my case I feel I need to work on my spiritual side. I don't consider myself as much religious as I do spiritual. I feel I haven't tapped into this side and really develop this area. I love thinking of spiritual concepts and ideas and how to incorporate this into my life. I feel its an area in which I can control how I feel and how I perceive the world around me.

Assignment 4: The power of visualization:

Yesterday I read an article about Kirstie Alley and how she lost 100 lbs. Two things really struck me from the article. 1.) the 100 lbs off of course! and 2.) she said she visualized herself in a size 4 and over time she got there. How many of us believe in the power of visualization and actually practice this? I truly believe in this because how can we expect others to see our changes if we can't see them happening. When I visualize my final weight loss I see myself weighing 155 lbs and being in a size 10. I can see myself being truly happy at this point and feel confident in myself. Of course I wouldn't mind going below these goals but I do feel that as I get closer to my weight goal I am sure I could further envision future goals and successes i can work on. I believe the secrets to having effective visualization is 1.) having practical goals (can't desire to weigh too little than what your body will allow you too) and 2.) drive. You gotta feel that passion, the excitement to work hard to get there! So my leading ladies, do you believe in visualization and if you do, what are you visualizing for yourself today??

Keep working hard ladies! Because it takes a few weeks to incorporate new habits and become comfortable with them I want to devote one more week in practicing our exercise and nutrition goals and practicing them WELL. Give it your all ladies!!! We all benefit when you personally do. Next week we will incorporate one more goal and further build our goal and success list.

Have a great weekend and feel free to leave comments, concerns or questions!!

Much love, respect and peace to all of you my amazing leading ladies,



  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    1) I weighed in at 152.8 this week, last week I was at 155, I have had one crazy month..as my son has been having to get to the fair this week to show his pig that he raised..so lack of sleep is more like delirium..for me... but I still keep chugging along..the fluctuations have been crazy for me..as last week mid week I was 152.8 and now I'm back..but I know my crazy body is doing this..lol and I'm ok with it..I know what I need to do..

    2) Very true...I have learned, that no matter what people say or do..its because they are feeling inadequate about themselves..they just hide it well.. when people choose to make remarks or make you feel less than them, its only from their lack of self-esteem as well..they have to feel like they have something better when they do not.. I have felt like that growing up as a child..I no longer feel like that...because I realize the only ones I should care about are my loved ones, and MYSELF!

    3) I need to educate myself on matters..such as.. on helping others... as I educate on helping myself along the way, nutrition wise, and emotional wise...as we don't need to beat ourselves up when we hit a pitfall or plateau...

    4) I wanna be able to fit into a size 8 soon...by Christmas..hopefully...and I can see myself at 120 around this time this year..and I can't wait...but wait I will...cause it is soooo worth it!

    Stay Strong Ladies!! The goal is right there for the taking! Just gotta get it!
  • longin2bsexy
    longin2bsexy Posts: 42 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    I weighed in at 230 from 231.8 for a loss of 1.8 lbs and a total loss of 4.8 lbs. I have had a really stressful week at work and haven't been focusing on my exercise and getting my water in like I should but I have made sure I stayed under my calorie goal for the day. I hope next week is normal.

    I agree with the quote even though I let people do it to me all the time. I am really struggling with it right now and I am not sure why! I hope as I lose weight my confidence will build and I will stop letting people do it.

    I need to learn to stop being so sensitive to what others say and in return watch how I say stuff. I think I sometimes come off as not nice but not intentionally. Yet when someone would say the same thing to me I would take it hard.

    I am going to see myself at 200 lbs at the end of the year!! I will be able to fit into my old clothes and be on my way to the 100 club!!

    Here is to another great week of making a positive change for ourselves...because we are worth it!!!
  • charly_80
    Hello Ladies,

    1) I weighed in at 144 this week, same as last week. Sigh. I'm trying to get in as much exercise as I can especially the biking since I know the season is going to change soon and I will have to return to the boredom of the gym. I did have an awesome moment where my scale wasn't working properly and I weighed in at 133lbs - wished it was true but changed the batteries and was still at 144.

    2) I try not to let others hurt my feelings with things that they say but it can be very hard especially when that someone is close to you like a family member. Taking back the power or choosing my reaction to what was said is what I am trying to practice now. When I become angry or upset I am now pushing myself to thinking "Hey, I can choose a different reaction. I can choose to not let this bother me because I know it is really their insecurity that was talking to me to make me feel bad. I can choose to be the one in power and maintain my confidence". I find it easier said than done but I am trying.

    3) I have recently began practicing meditation and reading (and re-reading) the many books about buddhism. I am not a religious person but after reading several books about buddhism I have come to the realization that I don't need as much as I think to make me happy and I also am where I am supposed to be at every moment. I am going to continue to learn from these readings and hope that I will gain more knowledge from it.

    4) I am visualizing a comfortable size 10 which is what I used to be. I am measuring myself by a pair of capris that I have that are a bit too snug. When I can where those again I will know I have made it.

    Hoping everyone has a successful week!

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