Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/18-9/24


Focusing on one week at a time, when the big picture seems to overwhelming. Small changes can bring on big results!!

FOR THE WEEK OF: September 18 to September 24, 2011

Choose one of more things you want to work on for just this week. Don't set it too high or unreachable!!

Please, make your week the week that works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

You can reach your main goal if you break it into small actionable steps. It’s could be as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Choose something you know you can do easily.
2) Add more difficult tasks to your plan.
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!

Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week, or a get back on track week? All are welcome!


  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    My goals for this week
    Now that P90X is done I'll need a new goal #1 :smile: Plus repeating goals 2-4 to help work on keeping these as part of my new healthier life style.
    1. 30DS - let's see how this goes!
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workout's in.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work everyday
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips)

    Here's to a new week!
  • fitkitty1
    Today I started going back to the gym. So my week plan is to make it back in there 4 days this week, and being active 6 days!!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    One more week! let's do it!

    1- Keep up with Chalean X schedule
    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day
    3- Drink a glass of water before every meal. I've been meaning to do this one forever, but never managed to remember, so there!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • allierae14
    1) Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    2) Meet my exercise goals
    3) No coffee with sugar in it (this is going to be the hardest!)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    New goals for this week = same goals as last week!:wink::tongue:

    1. Bedtime 10:30 pm Weekdays
    2. Log food & water each day (no processed sweets)
    3. 4-5 days of workouts
    4. Stay FOCUSED!

    Wishing you all well :smooched:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Woo hoo! New thread! Sorry, got so busy today I completely forgot.

    Here are my goals this week:

    1. Chalean X schedule completely as is, except I will be switching in burn intervals in favor of zumba if I can make it. Otherwise, going to do the schedule as such and then add in one day of extra cardio in some form.
    2. Try to find some me time in every day. With my longer hours, I no longer feel like I have time to do what I want. Maybe I should take half of my lunch hour and do something stress relieving.
    3. Do something fun next weekend with my husband and child. We've spent too many weekends away from the house running errands or doing things for others. Now it's time for fun!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Goals for the week:

    1. Continue to watch sodium and reduce the amount I consume

    2. Get between 7-71/2 hours of sleep each night

    3. Exercise 4-5 times this week; either zumba or kickboxing!

    keep up the good work everyone:happy:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Fitkitty1 – Great goals for the week. Good luck heading back to the gym, and being active 6 days. You CAN do it! PS. I LIKE the shoes in your pic!!

    Papillon22 – So glad you are back for another week. See you’ve picked up a new goal this week. Way to go. Keep up all the good work with Chalean you are doing great!!!!

    Allierae14 – Good luck with your mini goals this week. Cutting the sugar out of coffee is TOUGH. I’ve been drinking my coffee plain for a few years now… but it took some time to get used to. Good luck that could be a tough one indeed!

    Hearts♥Desire – Happy you are back! Same goals as last week is a good thing :happy: Keep up all the hard work!

    Ladygloria – No worries my friend we are all good. Love the goals. Really like #2 & #3 great idea to add a little something in for yourself!

    Mrogers52 – Great goals for this week! Good luck with continuing to reduce your sodium levels. Love your cardio options Zumba and kickboxing how fun!

    In the hopes of doing something for me, I’m going to check in early and then log off MFP for the evening.

    Sunday check in:
    My goals for this week
    1. 30DS - let's see how this goes! – I’ll be starting up tomorrow! But I did my last day of P90X. I posted my results in the thread from last week if anyone wants to take a look.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – got in 1 today! 1 for 3 so far.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – starts tomorrow.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – So far so good today. I even managed to say no to my husband’s offer for a bite of his pizza that he had for dinner.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I think this week I will keep the same goals as last.
    1. Eat breakfast every morning.
    * I will start getting everything ready the night before.

    2. Exercise for 1 hour three times per week.
    *I am only going to count TRUE work outs this week.

    3. Drink at least 64oz of water per day
    *I am going to aim for 80oz
  • healthychoices5
    Starting small. My goal is to exercise at least 3 times this week (brisk walks, bike rides, swimming perhaps). I don't have a gym membership and I can't afford one. Hope I can manage this without it.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Horrible day today. TOM showed her ugly head early which explains then ungodly amount of food eaten today.

    C25K repeat Week 4
    keep h2o at 10+ cups a day
    get back to 500-700 calorie deficit daily
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    My Goal for this week
    1) Track food
    2) reduce late night snacking/. binging
    3) track exercise
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hooray for new thread week!!!

    I'm returned from my travels (just from SoCal to AZ but LOTS of driving happened; so wish I could count bouncing my feet as exercise)

    I missed you group! So happy to be back and start a new week with you. I'm going to kind of repeat last week's goals because this week will be just as crazy as last week with family coming to town and a wedding on Saturday.

    1) Exercise 5/7 days
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days

    Last week kind of fell apart on Wednesday for me, but I faithfully logged every food sin & delight for the weekend. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, karmically aligned with TOM just to punish me, but I'm accepting of my fate and will record honestly...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Hope everyone has a great start to the new week!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Back from my travels as well. In which, I did horribly in food choices but ready to get back on track. I felt sick from overeating and too much sugar this weekend, a sign that my body is actually adjusting to healthier eating.

    My goals:
    Excercise 7 times including two entire chalean routines, ab excercise three times this week
    Stay in calorie goal and make sure that my fat doesn't outnumber my protein this week (a trend since I started)
    3 servings of fruits/veggies a day (my hardest challenge for sure)
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I weighed this morning at 159.4!!!! F#W&^$(Q@*$^#@*$^!#!!!!

    I am pre-Tom so lots of bloating and cramping right now, so I am praying that is the cause of my horrible weight gain this week after being at 154.4 on Wed.

    Ohh well, must try harder with fewer excuses! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • mggirll0122
    This week's goals:

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    2. Exercise 4x this week
    3. Take vitamins daily
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    La_nanita – Glad to see your back for another week. Great idea to keep your goals the same! I love the idea of getting breakfast ready the day before I need to start applying that to my lunches. Good luck this week! Sorry to hear about your scale troubles today. Gotta love the joy of TOM.

    Healthychoices5 – Welcome! Starting small is a great idea :smile: and you have picked a great goal to start with. I don’t have a gym membership either. I do lots of DVD’s at home and take lots of bike rides and walks. Good luck to you!

    KrisPage – I’m sorry to hear you had a horrible day Sunday. I hope Monday was a little brighter for you. Good luck with C25K!!!

    Stephabee38 – Welcome to the mini goal thread! Great goals. Good luck this week. Check back with us as little or as much as you would like and let us know how you are doing!

    Philosohoe – Hello my friend so glad you are back. We missed you too. HUGGS!! Like to hear the repeat goals. It’s the best way to get these new habits to stick into our everyday life. Hope the good the bad and the ugly wasn’t too terrible. Here’s to a new week and getting back to our goals!

    Ittee – YAY for finding out your body is getting used to the healthier eating… sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well from overindulging. Been there done that :smile: Good luck with the fruits and veggies!!

    mggirll0122 – Welcome back. So glad you have joined us for another week. Good luck with your goals! Here's to moer water!! :drinker:

    Checking in early today… been a loooooonnng day and I’m hoping to log off early and spend some time relaxing.

    Monday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 1 done… HOLY MOLY!!! That’s an intense 27 minutes. And I got my workout in this morning. YAY :happy:
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workout's in. Still at 1 for the week. Got home later then I was hoping so I couldn’t get another one in.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – done! Which is good the ATM at work was out of order, so I would have been begging for some cash to buy lunch!
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – I was doing so so so good, until I stopped by my parent’s house and my dad had made eggplant parmesan cheese, so I had to have a bite (or 3…) But it was SOOO good. I really can't pass up my dad's eggplant.

    For all of those who check in later I hope you all had an excellent Monday and I will catch up with all of you tomorrow! Can’t wait to read how you all did.
    HUGGSSS to you all!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    MAK - great job on the new workout, you'll beat the BLTS one day, what a tough goal that is!

    mggirl - what an adorable pic of a baby, who's?

    la_nanita - I'm sorry you're struggling, I hope it's TOM
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Great job on the goals everyone! Sorry I am so tired, otherwise I'd comment on everyone. :)

    Checking in:

    1. Chalean X schedule completely as is, except I will be switching in burn intervals in favor of zumba if I can make it. Otherwise, going to do the schedule as such and then add in one day of extra cardio in some form.--Did Push 1 today. I think I'll like it, if I can handle all of the extreme moments and remember to keep my form in check.
    2. Try to find some me time in every day. With my longer hours, I no longer feel like I have time to do what I want. Maybe I should take half of my lunch hour and do something stress relieving.-hmmm, mostly failed this one except for my exercise time which was all me while the hubby watched the child.
    3. Do something fun next weekend with my husband and child. We've spent too many weekends away from the house running errands or doing things for others. Now it's time for fun! --got the plans, just waiting to execute them. Woo hoo!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys! I do hope its stupid TOM!

    Mak - I know you will do great on 30DS, I have thought about buying it but I have P90X collecting dust... so I feel guilty. I could never not do BLTs.