Introducing myself

Hi everyone:

I'm Maura--from Boston, MA. Let's see, I'm 31, I have an 8 year old daughter and I am currently waiting for my Bar Exam results. Since my daughter was born, my weight has gone up and down until this summer I finally hit a high weight of 165lbs. After signing up for MFP 18 days ago, I'm down 8lbs. I'm not really sure what my exact goal weight is, but I think I'll know it when I see it :) I'm extremely motivated & since I'm not working at the moment I have lots of time to exercise & prepare meals.

Hope to get to know lots of you during this journey!


  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome aboard! You are off to a great start! :-)
  • phendrick
    phendrick Posts: 24 Member
    Hi!!!!! Welcome! Good luck with your result for your Bar Exam. You are doing well with your weight. I will be happy to be your fitness pal.